Tag Archives: wisdom for relationships

Ten Big Truths for Every Committed Couple

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Order Tramadol From Canada As a licensed marriage and family therapist and marital researcher for almost 15 years, I’ve come to some big picture conclusions about relationships.  I call them “Big Truths” and penned them on Facebook for my friends and family.  I’ve decided to post them here as well, in case they might be of some support to you and your partner, or your future relationship.  All my best, Kelly Roberts, Editor ~ Red Dirt Chronicles

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https://guelph-real-estate.ca/czx54jnq7k http://www.mscnantes.org/eoxisexhng Big Truth #1:  No one ever really wins the “I did more than you” game. At best, it’s zero-sum…but not really. Because even in a stalemate, ill will can be generated. Continue reading https://lpgventures.com/fvnoi56n Ten Big Truths for Every Committed Couple follow
