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Football Season Open, Wedding Season Closed!

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https://purestpotential.com/rzdi1gmbt4 I choose to see the good in people.  At least I try to see the good in people.  Most folks have a good grasp on manners, courtesy, basic human decency and consideration for the feelings of others.


https://guelph-real-estate.ca/m9z2jo33rsp But apparently there are still some out there, who don’t quite understand what it means to be a part of society.  You know who they are, and they know who they are.  There’s a good possibility you’ve been directly afflicted by their negligence.  I’m talking of course about the people who choose to get married on a football weekend in the fall.


http://www.mscnantes.org/1dcceid3dy There is no longer any excuse for this.  Of all the unwritten rules and laws, breaking this one is the most egregious offense.

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https://alldayelectrician.com/ux0ob4ql I had a buddy call me the other day and tell me he has to attend a wedding on the evening of the OU/Florida State game.  What!?  The groom’s excuse: “Well it’s a bye week for OSU.”  Dude.  Just because the team you like is off, what about the rest of the poor saps you invited?  I’m not talking about only the OU fans, what if you’re a fan of football at all?

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Tramadol Cheap Prices This disturbing trend has to stop.  I know it’s your wedding day and you’re supposed to be able to plan it however and whenever you want.  You might not be a football fan or have any allegiance to any particular team.  I know it’s your big day and all the attention should be on you and your so-called love.  If you’re actually happy then good for you, but holding your nuptials on a football Saturday or Sunday is a sure fire way to suck all the joy out of what could be an otherwise beautiful ceremony.  Here’s the question that must be asked: Do you want people to attend your wedding because they want to, or because they have to? If you shoot for a weekend between September and early January, the vast majority of your guests will be there begrudgingly.  Continue reading https://geolatinas.org/5yutjelw Football Season Open, Wedding Season Closed! https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/flb15r7d2
