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It slipped from Aunt Cathleen’s Bible, fluttering delicately to the old rose rug – it was her favorite back in the day. I just stared…the picture was very familiar…OK…I remember…Oh yes, I remember….
Auntie Cathleen was livid. The hatred in her stare, her long gloved fingers clutched in such tight fist. Cold chills run up my arms and I actually shivered thinking back. She had refused to even look at the camera…Yep she was ready to fight.
She had come to take me away, again….She being my Mother and on her fifth marriage. This one like the others was “the one”….”her prince charming”…. If I had known about such things back then I would have said, “Mother you don’t have to get married just to have sex…” Whoa, what an uproar that would have caused. In 1939 that would have been sacrilegious words. You did not know your mate in the intimate manner until you were married. Now-a-day couples do…as my Auntie Cathleen would say it, “sleep together” before the wedding night.
I turned 79 years old today and I believe I have arrived at the age where I can say the things out loud that I only use to think…That’s one of the perks of getting old and senile. I can now say it and no one is really shocked. Oh, they pretend they are but most of the time their glad someone just come out and said it. Continue reading The 2011 Imaginary Family Project – Week 34