Tag Archives: thankful

It’s that time of year…

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By Tramadol Online Uk It’s that time of year where I like to remind myself every day of all the things I’m thankful for.


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Cheapest Tramadol Next Day Delivery Obviously she’s lovely and talented, but there’s so much more to her than those two words that I use so often.


https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/dlawfbwr5uy She’s my best friend. An awesome wife. A great mother. A natural-birthing-16-hour-laboring-with-no-drugs-birth-giving machine. She can cook like nobody’s bidness. She sings with the voice of an angel. She dominates at NERTS. She calls me funny nicknames and answers when I call her equally funny ones. She is a dedicated Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She values family. She invests in relationships with her friends. She flirts with me. She balances our check book. She’s a Proverbs 31 wife. A hot mamasita. A couponing fiend. An organization junky. She cries when she’s happy, she cries when she’s sad, and she cries at Hallmark commercials. She’s smart. She’s a reader. She plays the piano. She lets me keep our house really cold at night. She knows the difference between an onside kick and being offsides. If I yell, “BOOMER!” she yells, “SOONER!” She loves God, she loves me, she loves our daughter, she loves our family, and she loves our friends.

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watch And I’ve been thankful for her since the fall of 1998.


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Counting My Sports Blessings


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enter site All of us should count our blessings everyday, but this time of year, we all put a little more thought into what we’re thankful for.  Family, friends, and turkey are the obvious choices.  Even though there are few things I like more than a plump, juicy bird on my table, I don’t know what I would do without sports.


Purchase Tramadol Visa So, to get you ready for the week ahead, I present to you 101 things that bring me happiness in the wonderful world of sports.

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enter I am thankful for…

  1. Football on Thanksgiving
  2. Being able to watch Sportscenter on a loop every morning
  3. Whoever invented fantasy football
  4. Every time I see a game live
  5. The NHL playoffs
  6. An entire channel devoted to nothing but tennis
  7. The voice of Mike Shannon on the Cardinals’ radio network
  8. Rivalries in any sport
  9. March madness
  10. Winning the March madness office pool
  11. A summer evening at the ballpark with a hotdog in one hand and a cold beer in the other
  12. Throwback uniforms
  13. Any sport in HD
  14. College football’s overtime rules Continue reading Counting My Sports Blessings