Tag Archives: Texas Oklahoma water

On the Horizon: Things are Bigger in Texas (and the “Neighboring State” effect)


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https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/7ot4ozkao Funny how a little rain can make all the difference in how things look. It’s been so dry that even the well-watered plants around the house have been looking a little thirsty. But if you think it’s been dry here, just head south to Texas. I was there in September and the leaves were already falling from the severe drought they have been dealing with.


https://geolatinas.org/ykj0qfjm So while we have been dry, they are parched, which has just exacerbated what has been a growing problem for the Lone Star State…lots of people and not enough water for them. In this week’s video blog we take a closer look at Texas’ thirst and the implications that could have on Oklahoma’s water supplies.

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