Tag Archives: tee ball

Poverty, Testing, and the Multiple Roles of Male Middle School Teachers: EPTOM, Quapaw, OK


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https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/2cd995tnc6 Dusk was settling over Quapaw when we happened upon a tee-ball practice session. The coaches jokingly volunteered each other before Aaron Thomasson finally agreed to sit with us for a bit.

https://guelph-real-estate.ca/hvykwgaqnza My experience during our discussion was as a teacher listening to another teacher. The fact that he was living the headlines of all that’s wrong with education was both validating and deeply disheartening.

https://alldayelectrician.com/og4mbtsvvr Thomasson could have been from anywhere because his story is the same: over testing does as much harm as good; absent parents are absent for a reason, but their absence makes it that much more difficult for a child to succeed; and, male teachers balance the precarious position of being sometimes the only male role model in a young student’s life.

Aaron Thomasson hangs out with our EPOTM outside the barn where tee-ball practice is taking place. – photo by Rachel J Apple

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=v3nhlrr35k But, Thomasson was not from “anywhere.” He was from Quapaw, as was his family, and the generation before.  His children can see their grandparents’ home from their own, and walk across the pasture to visit.  His wife is from the area as well, and is an early childhood teacher in the same school system.

follow url They are deeply embedded, and invested, in the Quapaw community.

Purchase Tramadol With Mastercard We sat with Thomasson at the end of May, 2015.  In the midst of most likely the worst budget cuts in our State’s history THIS year, I just wonder…how is their school doing now?

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“Legacy Ball”: Every Point Hwy 9 Run – Bethel Acres

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see url There’s just something about a Little League ballpark filled with players in their earliest years. Innocence, mixed with invested family members, mixed with the sounds of 200 voices having at least 100 different conversations…carried by the wind on a warm day across the grass, sand and past the concession stands. Being there made my muscles relax. I began craving Sour Punch Straws.

https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/p6g9pr7qydk Tee ball is the epitome of cool.  And so was the family we met at the Bethel Acres ball park on our “Highway 9” Every Point run.

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enter site We met Cody Laughlin, his wife and their two boys on the bleachers waiting for their turn to take the field and warm up. They were watching a cousin, “right there – number five…,” finish her softball game as they spoke with us.

click here The Laughlin family’s life revolves around baseball.

https://www.yolascafe.com/aiwd523p We play baseball…started last weekend, our whole summer is baseball. That’s all they want to do – they just want to play catch and hit balls…

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https://purestpotential.com/khzyjwt7s Cody served as the spokesperson for the family and as the coach for the team on which his two sons played.  His wife also served as coach, and several times throughout our conversation he relegated his own role and validated her.

https://penielenv.com/zy3eju2 She helps…she makes sure who’s up, make sure they have their bats, gloves, it’s the biggest part.  If they get out of order, they’re out…and I can’t coach.

follow site Is she an assistant coach? No, she’s more than that – She’s probably the most important coach – I can tell them to run all day, but if I didn’t have her in there, I – we couldn’t play baseball.

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https://www.mbtn.net/?p=70mz3z1 And if they “couldn’t play baseball,” there might be a fairly large space in their lives. Cody played for Dale High School, his team garnering several championships. His father also played for Dale High school, also bringing home State.

Cheapest Tramadol Next Day Delivery And his two sons? He coaches because he wants them to learn to play the right way. To learn the life lessons that come along with the game. He described his high school coach as tough, scary, a stickler for excellence. But he wants his children to enjoy the game, perhaps with a better balance.

enter I played too much – I’d play a baseball tournament, come home, get a horse, and go to a rodeo. I did too much as a kid – I don’t want them to have that. I just want them to be a kid.

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https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/16anckknjmj When talking with Laughlin you can tell this “let a child be a child” philosophy is deeply ingrained. We asked him what he wished people understood about children and baseball.

follow url Different kids have different abilities. You shouldn’t PUSH a kid to play a sport – if they’re not good at it, let them try something else. It’s like the parents try to live through the kid. Let them be a kid; live their own life.

go here [Parents] don’t understand athletic abilities are different in different kids…there are kids out there that are unhappy, they don’t want to be there.

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https://mocicc.org/agricultura/7ubge9y6 Cody didn’t mince words. It might have been the first conversation I talked more than our participant.  I asked him if he could share a “funny tee ball” story. He said,

https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/m0cg0ip5zp I have a kid that’s four on my team, and he will go out there in the outfield, sit down and pick flowers.

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https://www.marineetstamp.com/hez2e5l8eor Do you have a favorite ump?

https://www.elevators.com/3h62q1igk3 I don’t like any of them.

Tramadol Pills Online While we were still laughing at his umpire stories and all the tee ball rules issues, their field cleared and they began to pack their things.

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As we took a different position to watch his team play catch I noticed Cody’s wife quietly set up the dugout.  Under the bench she placed a plastic container with each player’s name.  Inside was their equipment, perhaps a snack, and other items.  By the time we headed to the car the dugout was more organized than my kitchen and ready for the game to begin.

I’m not sure if Cody’s two boys will continue the legacy of another State Championship run at their own school, but I am sure of one thing: their parents will support them, regardless if they like baseball or choose another path.



Field notes – We’re picking up Rachel’s first set of 4×5 large format processed negatives and scans from a shop in Norman next week. Can’t wait to see them. April is living and breathing wedding season videos right now. And Kelly is celebrating the formation of a non-profit corporation…she has hopes of eventually spreading the expenses of this project around to a few other places than just her own checking account.
