Tag Archives: tailgating recipes

Super Bowl = Super Food; part 1



Buy 100Mg Tramadol Online Editor’s Note – When we began this Stockyards City Cookbook Cook Through, I asked Jani and Whitni to tell it “straight up,” so our readers would know whether or not to try the recipes.  It looks like we’ve hit a few “don’t try” recipes, and I think that’s good to know…Thanks, Jani, for publishing the good AND the not-so-good!

see Is the Super Bowl really about football?  Hold the phone!!  I know there are some diehard football fans that have already disagreed with me or else stopped reading.  But think about it – if it were really just about football and nothing else, we would be happy to sit in our homes and watch the game without all the fanfare.  Right?  I personally think it is about so much more than football.  Of course it is about football, but it is also about food, fellowship and lets face it, the go site commercials!

https://lpgventures.com/vv10utzn0 Now that I have established that February 6 is more than just a football game it is time to start planning your menu. So for the next two posts Whitni and I are going to share some recipes out of the Stockyards City Cookbook that you might want to serve at your Super Bowl Party.

click https://www.mreavoice.org/nxb6c13v Here is our menu for this week;
Slow Cooked Ribs
Great Potato Skins
Chex Party Mix Microwave
Chocolate Chip Cookies (with Bisquick)

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by Celeste Rule Nelson

source url 3-4 lb. Browned Country Style Pork Ribs

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go to site 2 T Worcestershire Sauce
2 T Hot Sauce
1 Can Cherry Coke
1 Jar Maraschino Cherries with Juice

http://www.mscnantes.org/jbwp29a Continue reading Super Bowl = Super Food; part 1

Stockyards City Cookbook Cook-Through: Cowboy Caviar!

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see Not exactly fish eggs…much better! I am a hairstylist and any excuse we can find to bring food to the salon we jump at. The day before Halloween we all dressed up and had a pot luck. I have to say I don’t think I have ever seen that much food in one place before! I knew from the past that its best to take something that can easily be snacked on in-between clients. Everyone at work “jokingly” calls me Betty Crocker; little do they know it’s really not as hard as it looks!

https://www.elevators.com/l4qwxj7zc Flipping through the cookbook I looked for a recipe that had ingredients that I might already have at home. I finally decided on Cowboy Caviar. It definitely doesn’t look too pretty, if you’re a presentation person, but sure does taste good! (Friends at work turned their noses up at first but by the end of the day it was gone!) This is a very simple recipe if you need something last minute. Also, if you are following through the cookbook with us and cooking most of these items I would suggest buying a large bag of shredded cheese and a box of cream cheese from Sams. It will save you time and money, both of which I know we can all use these days!

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https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/8r474jko3ff 1 can black beans, rinsed and drained

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https://mocicc.org/agricultura/pv63e90w 2 cans chopped black olives

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https://geolatinas.org/0j5950u 1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper

follow site Combine beans, olives, oil, lime juice and spices. Let sit 2 hours. Spread cream cheese on a plate and top with bean mixture. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

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https://www.yolascafe.com/n3jczognwf9 Happy Cooking!

source Whitni


Ordering Tramadol From Canada Editor’s Note – Want to see the other recipe’s Whitni and Jani have prepared from the cookbook thus far?  Simply go to our “Categories” section on the right hand of our home page, and use the drop down selector to find “Stockyards City Cookbook.”

Yummy Tailgating Recipe Using the Last of Your Summer Habaneros

get link

Here is my Habanero Pepper plant. As you can see, I need to make a couple of recipes - one for the weekend, and one for the freezer!

source I do not like habaneros peppers.  I don’t like to pick them.  I don’t like to can them for habanero pepper jam to spread over cream cheese later in the fall.  I always forget I’ve been handling them and then scratch my nose or rub my eyes; horrific running around in circles ensues: “Argh – my nose! My eyes! Ahhh!” When I’m out picking them I make a mental note, “Use gloves, or go wash your hands immediately.”

https://www.marineetstamp.com/q9b6ulfry I always forget.

So, are we clear?  I don’t like habanero peppers.  What I DO love, though, is a jerk chicken marinade recipe that is so good it even makes me tolerate growing the peppers…really, just for this one recipe.  I give the rest away.  There are people out there who eat them, even raw.  My eyes are watering while I’m typing this entry!

So, this Saturday morning post is to remind you that Jamaican Jerk Chicken can be a hearty AND lower fat item for your outdoor grilling.  And in case you’re trying to use up any extra habaneros left in your garden, even better.

Remember, tomorrow is “Silent Sunday.”  We hope you enjoy our Photographs of the week and our new masthead featuring the Oklahoma State Fair while we take the day off from writing.  We’ll see you back with new essays on Monday.

From the Red Dirt Chronicles Contribution Group to You and Yours…Have a safe, happy and enjoyable Labor Day weekend.


Kelly, Julie, Rob, Mark, Rachel, and our soon to be coming on board or one time contributors

(Click photo to go to “AllRecipes.com” for my favorite Jamaican Jerk Chicken Recipe)

Jamaican Jerk Chicken for Labor Day Grilling ~~YUM!