Tag Archives: Rolla Goodnight

Tall Tales by Pistol Pete: “Trot-Line Fishing”

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Rolla Goodnight and Frank Eaton at the Oklahoma State Capitol Building, 1950

https://www.mreavoice.org/h4ioop6f https://geolatinas.org/lymqf0vh Trot-line Fishing

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go to link Once upon a time Fred, Rolla Goodnight and myself thought we would do a little fishing.  So we made us a good boat about 14 foot long and four foot beam and also made a trailer to haul it on.  Then loading up our trot-lines, tools and bedding we all started down on the river to fish.  We put our boat in the water and it was in good shape and waterproof, then we started out to get some bait.

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follow url On the bank near us was a big cottonwood tree with a long straight limb sticking out and was about 15 feet long.  It showed marks of being the roosting place for wild pigeons but there were none there at the time.  Now trot-line fishing has its many difficulties and one of the worst is getting bait.


http://www.mscnantes.org/gaq6w7uhe We scouted around not doing much good, for the Democrats had taken over and the jackrabbits were scarcer than hen’s teeth. Continue reading Tall Tales by Pistol Pete: “Trot-Line Fishing”
