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follow urlTramadol Mexico Buy Friends, our contributor group is a special collective of talented, loving, thinking folks. In our short time together, I’ve become very endeared to them. It might be because when people write, you see their souls. And, reading their souls each night has made me feel close to them – even though I don’t spend much time with them. In a few weeks (or perhaps longer), one of our contributors will be revealing a project he’s been working on; it’s a contest of sorts, and is a cool thing. He’s given me permission to preview a few of the images attached to this project. They are simply photos, with life statements for parents regarding their daughters. I hope you enjoy the preview glimpse, and I look forward to when he’s ready for the “big reveal.” – Red Dirt Kelly, on behalf of [michael] Continue reading source Mission Statements for the Essence of Parent-Daughter Living →