source url About Thursday at noon last week I realized that even Queens of Multi-tasking have limits. Actually, I think it was 11:45 a.m. when I stopped and wrote three e-mails. All of them canceling appointments I had previously set up because “I was going to be running errands around town for my daughter’s wedding and might as well take care of (X).” I took off my multi-tasking crown and tossed it somewhere into the back of my SUV; it landed alongside three bags of clothes (dry cleaner, gym bag, sack of clothes I had to buy because I forgot my gym bag last week), four boxes of Mason or Kerr canning jars (drinking glasses for the wedding), six wedding presents for my daughter and her fiancee’ I had collected from church and friends over the last week, school books (both teaching and learning) and five crumpled pieces of paper. If unwadded, lists of 10-15 things “to be done before the wedding” would be revealed on each of the paper balls. They rolled to and fro on the floor of my car as I drove madly around town, forward when stopping and backward when I took off again. Five days later, the crown is still resting haphazardly in the back and I’m not quite ready to don it again. Rather, I’m still thinking about all the seeds planted in my Life Garden last week: memories, new friendships and relationships, a new marriage in our family and, well, more memories. I’ll talk about those in just a minute. First I want to honor this post by reporting on my garden. “My Little Victory Garden” was neglected most of the week. I took solace in the fact that our neighbor’s sprinkling system was watering my seedlings nightly. Evidently last summer during a long hot week, Dennis (my neighbor to the west) told Mick that he was watching after my garden by adjusting two of his sprinkler heads to rotate 360 degrees, thus also covering my garden as well as a portion of his yard. Nine months later, I thanked him in my head for that little gesture by commenting to myself, “Well, at least the garden is getting a little water at night. You rock, Dennis.” Continue reading Tramadol For Sale Online Uk My Little Victory Garden: Entry Four-Ever, I DO →
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