Tag Archives: patriotism

Patriotric Musings


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https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/3r6dv0tk45c “In Flanders fields the poppies blow

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=45lqz82r Between the crosses, row on row

click here That mark our place; and in the sky

source The larks, still bravely singing, fly . . .”*

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Cheap Tramadol Online Uk I woke up on the morning of Flag Day and several things dawned on me:

  1. It’s Flag Day – where did I stash my flags?
  2. Only two months until school resumes
  3. It has been over a month since my last blog
  4.  That blog was going to be written and submitted before Memorial Day.

https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/z79e9ng A couple of “little” things got in the way though.  Two Saturdays, two weeks apart in May, my family celebrated two graduations.  First was my oldest daughter’s college graduation on Mother’s Day Weekend. Who could ask for a better Mother’s Day present than to see your firstborn walk the stage as she received her Bachelor’s of Science degree?  Second was watching my #3 child graduate from high school.

go Even though I am a few weeks behind, I do wish to write about the topic I had in mind, only expanded slightly.  Several weeks ago, I realized those raised after the Baby Boomers may not be familiar with Decoration Day and/or the origins of Memorial Day.  Since the six weeks from mid-May to Independence Day are packed with multiple flag-waving occasions, let’s take a peek at each one.

https://dcinematools.com/jk6zxquqfp Armed Forces Day, celebrated on the third Saturday of May each year, honors the military folks currently serving in any of the five branches of the US Military.  If you are fortunate enough to live near a military installation, you may be invited to attend an open house and tour the facilities.  Southwestern Oklahoma is blessed with two full-time installations, and several National Guard posts.  Raise your hand if you ever had the thrill of touring a C-5A or B, C-17, KC-135 (all air force planes), or maybe even crawling around on or in a tank or two.

https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/zrwy4q5 Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day, had its humble beginnings on both sides of the Mason-Dixon Line during the War Between the States. Southern and Northern mothers and sisters realized the soldiers who gave all on the battlefield had no family nearby to tend their graves.  One by one, they slipped out to the battlefield burial sites to clean and mark each grave. Now celebrated on the last Monday in May, it was originally designated by the federal government to be held each year on May 30.  Decoration Day in some areas, particularly the South is still observed on various dates in May.  I will share a personal experience of this special day at the end of the blog.

https://www.yolascafe.com/i9cicquz4 One of the major turning points of World War II happened on June 6, 1944, when the Allied Forces came ashore at Normandy to take back Europe from Hitler’s Army. Over 2,000 Americans gave their lives that day to preserve the freedom not only of the USA, but of much of Europe, too.  Though not an official holiday, many still choose to honor this significant day in our history.

https://guelph-real-estate.ca/6q30ol6 Old Glory was first approved as our nation’s flag on June 14, 1777.  From its humble beginnings in the sketch drawn by President George Washington to the 50 Stars and Bars that wave proudly from many a flagpole today, take time to reflect on what it represents the next time you see it displayed.  Another major historical event is also celebrated on June 14 – the birthday of the U.S. Army.  The Army first came together two years before the flag – in 1775.  Wonder who had the pleasure of blowing out the 237 candles on the Army’s birthday cake this year?

https://danivoiceovers.com/pbx9lozm41 Last but certainly not least of the flag-waving days of late spring and early summer is of course our nation’s birthday.  We recognize the birthday as July 4, 1776, and call it Independence Day, but the question remains:  is that the date we truly gained our independence from England?  Your homework assignment, should you decide to accept it, is to do the research yourself on this one.

click Growing up in the best part of the greatest state of the USA taught me a lot about life and what is important.  For many folks, Memorial Day weekend represents the first big 3-day weekend of the summer.  In their rush to get out of town and away from work, they forget the real reasons behind this holiday.  Papa and Mama would never let us forget, though.

Tramadol Buying Online Legal Our typical Memorial Day weekend began Saturday morning with a trip to the Francis Cemetery near Humphreys, in Jackson County.  Aunts, uncles, cousins and friends would join us for the day as we weeded, cleaned, and mowed the cemetery.  For us kids, the cemetery also held adventure, great food, and the occasional learning experience.  Adventures included chasing and catching jack rabbits, horned toads and other critters, and checking out the unusual engravings on some of the tombstones.

https://alldayelectrician.com/91zrphs4ok Around noon, the “tail-gate” party would begin.  Of course this was before tail-gaiting was a popular activity prior to sporting events.  Most everyone had brought one or more covered dishes for lunch.  The men would put together a couple of tables, while the women spread out the food.  Papa or one of the other men would say a prayer of thanks. Tailgates were dropped on all available pickups to provide the seating for this covered-dish dinner.  Once our tummies were full, the women cleaned up the dinner table, while the men and kids returned to the tasks at hand.

follow url Learning experiences were plentiful in this old country cemetery.  Things like:

  • Don’t mess with the toppled tombstones.  They are heavy, and make great hiding places for snakes and scorpions.
  • Cactus plants have long sharp needles, and lots of pesky little needles.  Both are painful to remove, especially if you lay down in a patch of them to catch a bunny.
  • Some learning was slow in coming.

Inspired by the map my mother started in the late 1980s, and also bit by the genealogy bug, I decided the map needed more than just names and dates.  Pictures would help bring it to life for those searching for their roots.  After piecing together information for my own family, I realized that four generations of my family are buried there.  I also learned that numerous veterans are buried there, including several from the Civil War.

Though we no longer gather on the last Saturday in May to clean and decorate, this cemetery remains well-cared for thanks to a handful of volunteers that secure donations for the Francis Cemetery Association to pay for regular mowing.  Ruth Ann Hoover and Tommy Sadler manage the association, while Ricky Crouch keeps the grounds weeded and mowed.

Thank you for joining me in this flag-waving patriotic blog.  For more information on the holidays mentioned above – please check out these resources:






See you next time in Southwest Oklahoma!

Southwest Sara

*Opening lines from the poem “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae, 1915.


Home of the Sooners or Home of the Brave?

Tradition matters to me.  Maybe it’s because I don’t like change, or maybe I just like knowing what to expect.  Christmas Eve is a big one.  I want the same routine every year.  Get dressed for church  and sit in the living room by the tree eating cookies we decorated.  Listen to music while sipping sparkling cider.  Pile into the Suburban, drive around looking at Christmas lights then off to candlelight service at 11.  Open presents Christmas morning.  From this there must be no deviation or it simply isn’t Christmas.

I’m not sure when it started or how it happened, but yelling “SOONERS” instead of the word “brave” at the end of the national anthem, has become a tradition in Norman.  Most OU fans probably didn’t pay much attention to the lyric change until last weekend.  With the Air Force Academy coming to Owen Field, Bob Stoops asked the Sooner faithful to not only cheer for the Falcons when they entered the stadium but to break tradition and sing the word “brave” out of respect to the young men serving our country.  The previous Saturday, the ninth anniversary of 9/11, the school made the same request to fans, only to hear “SOONERS” drown out any bold enough to say “brave.”

I’ve been in that stadium and trust me, there’s something powerful about hearing “SOONERS” spring from the throats of 85,000 people.  I never thought much of it; just a small part of the OU gameday experience.  There is way too much political correctness in this country. But there is a time for reflection and sensitivity and I think that time is now Sooner fans.

Is it time to change tradition? (courtesy myxer.com)

No matter where you’re from or what football team you support, I believe you are an American first and a citizen of your state second.  College football isn’t just an Oklahoma thing, or a Texas thing, or an Arkansas thing.  It’s an American thing.  It’s part of our sports identity as Americans.

Now ask yourself, “What allows me to be here on this gorgeous fall Saturday?  What allows me to tailgate, wear what I want, scream like an idiot when it goes our way and mope when it doesn’t?  What allows me to bring my son or my daughter to this place for the very first time and share with them the magic of a football Saturday?  Simply stated, what allows me to be a fan?”

The answer is blood.  The same answer for why we enjoy so many spectacular freedoms in this country.  Blood shed around the world and here at home, by men and women who sacrificed to make America the great country it is today.  “Brave” isn’t just a word that closes out a catchy tune.  It means someone left home, left their family, voluntarily went into harms way and paid the ultimate price for you.  I’m guilty of going through the motions with the national anthem.  Let’s get the game going already.  But a little reflection on its words goes a long way toward changing my attitude.

The fans who choose to say “SOONERS” aren’t being intentionally disrespectful.  They’re not going out of their way to diminish the anthem or try to make some kind of statement.  They’re red-blooded, patriotic Americans, embracing a tradition.  However, sometimes tradition needs to be put aside.  Can’t you still get chills from tens of thousands yelling “brave” instead of “SOONERS?”  I’d hope so.  Cutting out the “SOONERS” doesn’t make you less of an OU fan.  Come on, nobody is mistaking you for a neutral party when you’re decked in crimson from head to toe and you’re wearing a schooner hat.

There are plenty of traditions already in place in Norman (courtesy replayphotos.com)

Plus, there are plenty of perfectly good traditions already in place.  The drum major strutting his way across the field.  The giant Oklahoma flag and the way the P.A. announcer says, “It’s footbaaallll tiiime in Okkk-la-homaaaaaa!”  There’s the singing of the alma mater, and the video that declares, “There’s only one Oklahoma.”  One side of the stadium chanting “Boomer” and the other side screaming “Sooner.”  You’ve got Ruf-nex firing shotguns, a pretty girl in a covered wagon, and that moment when you’re team finally takes the field.  How much more fired up do you need to get?  If you still insist on yelling “SOONERS” why not do it at the end of the Oklahoma state song?

We’re only sayin’, you’re doin’ fine Oklahoma!  Oklahoma, O-K-L-A-H-O-M-A, Oklahoma!…SOONERS!.

Sing it in your head.  It works – believe me.

Old habits die hard, Sooner fans.  This is the right thing to do.  After all, new traditions have to start somewhere.