I have a cool job. It has allowed me to travel the world and witness first hand events that most people just read about. I really enjoy international air travel in part because they put domestic airlines to shame, but also because of the people I meet and the places I get to see once I get there. Unfortunately, this week’s blog is not one of those stories.
follow linkfollow link When an OSU professor asked me to travel with a group of students and a representative of an OKC nonprofit, I assumed it would be like most of the international shoots I do…Hot, sweaty work during the day, but a clean bed and a warm meal at night. Wrong Again! url My trip to Sierra Leone, Africa was one of the hardest I have ever taken. One hundred plus degrees during the day…ninety at night, sleeping on concrete, getting bit by mosquitoes throughout the night in the malaria belt, and eating rice. Lots and lots of rice. to link Despite the inhospitable conditions I am proud to say the stories I did from there are important and life changing for all involved. This week and next I am going to show you some of the things I saw. I invite you to watch and learn just as I did. Tramadol Online Cash On Delivery Rob
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