Su-POS-sedly, it was our Oklahoma Native son, Will Rogers, who coined the phrase: Prescription Tramadol Without If you don’t like the weather in Oklahoma, just wait a minute. Monday afternoon, Gary England, our renowned meteorologist who was made quasi-famous by his background broadcast of the tornadic activity in the blockbuster movie, “Twister,” began sending tweets back-to-back-to-back. I won’t belabor the details, but they basically happened in a sequence like this: Oklahoma is getting stormy. Now it’s turning into weirdness. Okay, now it’s hail. Oklahoma City and Edmond now receiving a blanket of pea-sized hail. Okay, we’re all clear again.
enter sitego Evidently, Blake Brown was driving across Oklahoma City midtown just as the storm was breaking up. He captured this beautiful image of the storm dissipating over the city just as quickly as it had come:
source site Oh, sci-fi movies…your special effects don’t have anything on reality.
source url [kelly]