Tag Archives: Oklahoma landscapes

Silent Sunday – The Work of Rachel Apple: Maud, Oklahoma

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https://www.mbtn.net/?p=xzwd5cjq Our photographer this week is not new to the Red Dirt Chronicles.  When the site rolled out in August of last year, she put together a collection we featured in our header section for several months.  She’s also served as a photographer for a few of our essays, and put this self-portrait together as a fun entry for our “RDC Best Red Dirt Inspired Photograph.”  Rachel is a senior photography major at the University of Oklahoma School of Art and has completed her studies for an Art History Minor.


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http://www.mscnantes.org/23kdnew38 During a recent course, she shot a landscape assignment by traveling to Maud and doing a series in black and white using a large format land camera on 4X5 film.  We hope you enjoy your trip through Maud as seen by Rachel’s lens. Continue reading go to link Silent Sunday – The Work of Rachel Apple: Maud, Oklahoma https://www.mbtn.net/?p=3t22ru0gb5d


Silent Sunday: The Work of Michael Stano

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Route 66 Bridge Over Lake Overholser ~ by Michael Stano (all images in this post are copyrighted exclusively by the featured photographer)

go to site When highlighting Oklahomans for our Silent Sunday series, I’m always amazed at the variety of backgrounds covered by those who are also excellent photographers.  Such is the case with Judge Michael Stano, or…Michael Stano the photographer, of Stillwater.

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click here I like signing into his “Zenfolio” website just to hear the relaxing threads of music accompanying me while searching through his images.  I also like the way his “Photographer” section begins the story of how he was introduced to his first camera.  Here’s an excerpt:


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Tramadol Purchase Online While in Cub Scouts, which must have been in the mid-50s, I used plans in Boys’ Life to build a pin-hole camera. The camera “body” was a Folger’s one-pound coffee can. The “lens” was a nail hole poked through the can, and the “shutter” was a piece of electrical tape over the hole. The inside of the can was painted black, and there was a sheet film holder made of cardboard. I don’t remember if I actually took any photos with the Folger’s can, but I was obviously interested in photography at an early age. Continue reading Silent Sunday: The Work of Michael Stano
