Tag Archives: Oklahoma Horizon TV

On the Horizon: World Food Paradox

Millions of people die every year for a ridiculous reason… they are just too poor to stay alive. Estimates are as many as seventeen thousand children die each and every day from hunger and malnutrition related illness.

It has been called the world food paradox. In the developed world we have so much food our life expectancies are actually falling because we eat too much and are dangerously obese. Meanwhile in the developing world millions starve or crippled by the lack of good nutrition.

For decades the Western world has tried to solve the issue with food aid. Well intentioned but too often detrimental to a poor country’s own agricultural structure. Today in our video blog, we are going to look at the issue of food insecurity in the developing world through the eyes of a group of Oklahomans who, thanks to a state department grant, have been working in Uganda, Africa.
Rob McClendon

On the Horizon: Healthcare Reform – Affordable Care Act

I have heard people discussing the hot topic of healthcare for the last few years but honestly never did my homework until recently. As most everyone is aware, when President Obama was elected into office, he put the topic of Health Care to the top of his agenda and in 2010 the Affordable Care Act was signed and put into place.

This year there was discussion as to whether this new law was constitutional and with much debate the Supreme Court ruled it so. With some of the new laws taking place immediately, other steps will happen gradually throughout the next few years.

Healthcare is an important topic that affects most everyone so it is necessary for everyone to become informed. For more information check out this video blog discussing the changes that are taking place to our current healthcare system.
Kela Kelln

On the Horizon: A Gun Owner’s Dilemma

I like guns, sort of like I liked fireworks as a boy. I could care less about hunting, but I love to shoot. So every time a mass murder occurs around the country, I get a knot in my stomach because I have begun to wonder if I am part of the problem.

No matter what you think of gun control, facts are facts. Dramatically more people die in the U.S. from gun violence per capita than anywhere else. When you look at the statistics our gun related homicide rate is closer to that of Somalia’s than that of the developed world. While the overall violent crime rate in the U.S. has dropped in the last decade, gun related homicides have risen by 20%.

I know all the arguments for our 2nd amendment rights, and that guns don’t kill, people do. Yet, I believe our forefathers never imagined a crazed madman mowing down innocents in a movie theater with a weapon that fires just as fast as he can pull the trigger. Early in my career, I was able to interview survivors of a mass shooting in Texas and what one of them said to me still haunts me. As the gunman was making his way through the restaurant, the survivor said he just wished he’d had the pistol that was under his car seat out in the parking lot… he knew he could take out the shooter. In my opinion, good arguments for concealed carry laws that have passed since.

The problem though is this: In Aurora the shooter was in full body armor shrouded by a smoke bomb. Even the best shot would have had a tough time dropping him.

I had a friend once ask me when he saw my gun collection if I was preparing for the “zombie apocalypse”, and yes I like my odds if an intruder ever tries to break in my house. But I truly would not mind registering every one of those guns, or even going through a psychological test much like you do when you apply for a concealed carry permit.

In this week’s On the Horizon blog, I want to share with you an opinion piece straight from the editors of my local paper. It is thoughtful, and I believe for all of us shooters… dead center.
Rob McClendon

From Stillwater NewsPress:
Gabrielle Giffords.
Virginia Tech.
Fort Hood.
We recognize the horrific shootings in our country by one or two words now.
The words seem so benign to represent such madness. Such destruction of human life.
When terrorism strikes, the magnitude of the ordeal has a way of bringing us together.
Murrah bombing.
Sept. 11.
But random shootings, at least in recent years, have done more to polarize our country.
If guns were outlawed, they wouldn’t have had guns to fire into crowds of innocent people.
If guns were in all hands, the innocent people could have fired back – or first.
Which is the answer? Consider it neither.

As determined as many people are to own and carry weapons legally, many are equally determined to not have any part of them. The argument that Americans should be able to carry guns to protect themselves does not hold more water than the argument that they should not have to.

Meanwhile, a student in Colorado concocts and carries out an elaborate plan that ends the lives of a dozen people and brings hell into the lives of dozens more. And the rhetoric loops again.

There has to be a solution. And America has to find it – an answer that protects the 2nd amendment right of its people to bear arms and yet preserves the right of us all to have the expectation of going to school, to the shopping center, to a political event, to the movies without the threat of being mowed down in our tracks by a sick mind with an assault rifle.

The answer is not at one end of the spectrum or the other. Our country will find it in the middle, but only when minds open to the idea of middle ground.

Did America’s founding fathers envision shooting rampages at shopping malls when they amended the Constitution to include bearing arms?

It’s a different America centuries later. It’s a different America from the country we knew even a decade ago.

The world we live in is not always a safe place. That is not to say we cannot take steps to make it safe again. It is not fair that the masses compromise in reaction to the acts of a few. But compromise we do. And fairness takes a back seat to precaution.

In many public schools across our country, children pass through metal detectors on their way to class. Let’s just say that again – out loud. Children pass through metal detectors to go to school so that maybe a gun can be pulled from a backpack by police or school officials instead of by a kid in third-hour algebra.

But folks can buy assault rifles and body armor down the street or on the Internet…with home delivery.
America doesn’t have to take away Americans’ guns to bring back a more comfortable degree of safety. But it’s not treason to advocate making them more difficult to obtain – through checks and waiting periods – and taking away ready access to the guns and ammunition that serve no other purpose than to rip through the body of another human being.

It’s a different world out there. And the solution will be different behavior.

Only a minuscule percent of people in our part of the world are terrorists. Yet we all take off our shoes at the airport. Only a handful of people have opened fire in a public place. But we all could stand to wait a little longer, be scrutinized a bit more, fill out a few more sheets of paper, pick an alternative over an assault rifle – if the process means that on a summer night in a quiet suburb one person’s elaborate scheme to massacre crowds of strangers will go unrealized.

On the Horizon: The Wheels on the Bus Go Round

Growing up in agriculture I, like many others, tend to become tunnel focused in the agricultural area I worked in. As I grew older I quickly realized that there were other facets of the industry and how important it is to know about them.

I’ve always been impressed with how Oklahoma promotes and educates the public about agriculture. Everywhere I go I always see new ways the public is learning about how agriculture works and why it is vital for survival.

In this week’s video blog, we hop on a bus and take a look at Oklahoma’s Agritourism. From peaches to vineyards, the agriculture industry in Oklahoma is more diverse than one would think.
Andy Barth

On the Horizon: Oklahoma Forestry

One of the many unique things about this great state is that as you travel across Oklahoma the scenery changes. The first thought that generally comes to people’s minds is the waving wheat and the rolling plains. Western Oklahoma is farmland as far as the eye can see with trees often few and far between but as you move east the landscape begins to change and what people don’t realize is that Oklahoma actually has a productive forestry industry.

I was able to travel down to the southeastern part of the state to Broken Bow where I quickly began to think that I was in a whole new world. Forestry is surprisingly a huge industry in Oklahoma with almost 10 million acres of forest land and an industry that contributes more than $2 billion to our state’s annual economy. In this week’s video blog, we travel into Beaver’s Bend State Park where we learn firsthand about the forestry industry.
Kela Kelln