Tag Archives: Oklahoma Christian Schools

I Will Miss You, Pastor David Thomas – That’s Certain

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Pastor David Thomas

go site I spent eight years of my professional life on staff at the Oklahoma Christian Schools (OCS) High School and administrative offices. A good part of my energy went into building a drama department from scratch, but part of that time was also spent as the lead Freshman sponsor and the Freshman Bible Teacher.


go The Bible Department, from an outside view, represented quite a diversity of theological perspectives:  I was raised in an independent Christian church context, our Sophomore Bible teacher (David Thomas) was more of the charismatic persuasion having attended ORU for his education, our Junior Bible Teacher (Dan Anthony) was a Church of Christ cowboy, and our Senior Bible Teacher and Department Head (Ted Hough) had his master’s degrees both in Literature and in Divinity.  Sometimes it seemed to me that Ted’s perspective was to teach the Word of God with the finesse of only that which a liberal arts major could do.  His devotions were pure art.


https://purestpotential.com/1gvimxkt7tt But today I want to talk about David Thomas, our Sophomore Bible teacher.  David went to meet his Maker on the evening of December 4th, 2010 after a decade-long battle with a brain tumor.  I loved his spirit and his heart and am dedicating this post to he and his family.  I’m going to write only briefly about his personality, his preaching and his prayer.  However, I promise you – volumes could be written…along the lines of how John honored Jesus when he said,

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Purchase Tramadol Visa 25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.


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