Tag Archives: Montrose

Music From The Man Cave – Introduction and “Gamma”

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"Gamma" photo from the Davey Pattison Gallery: http://www.daveypattison.com/gallery/index7.html

https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/11t3i47k Several months ago I was cooking breakfast for the kids.  It was a weekday morning before school and my wife was getting ready for work.  Kind of an oddity, I suppose, around our house (my wife is a chef) but on weekdays it is either me or my son who cooks breakfast.  I suppose we cook out of necessity since one of us is usually dressed and ready before the girls make it downstairs.


go Anyway, I decided to have a little breakfast cooking music and put on my vinyl copy of Thin Lizzy’s “Live and Dangerous.”  One of the finest “live” albums ever released.


http://www.mscnantes.org/ucmf27cfo6 Yes, I know it has studio overdubs.  I don’t care.

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https://www.yolascafe.com/q9v0zfw5r Soon after, my wife came downstairs, looked at me, smiled and proclaimed, “You’re such a guy.”  Reflecting on that moment gave me an idea: Music from the Man Cave.  Recommendations go by a guy for other guys.  Not that girls can’t listen too….


https://www.mreavoice.org/ilk716u First up (we’ll get to Thin Lizzy soon, I promise) is a blast from my past.  I acquired a cassette copy of the second album from a band called Gamma, featuring Ronnie Montrose on guitar, Davey Pattison on vocals, Denny Carmassi on drums, Glen Letsch on bass and Jim Alcivar on keyboards.  This cassette spent a lot of time in my Walkman knockoff and I rediscovered it a couple years back.  It has a terrific remake of Thunderclap Newman’s “Something In The Air” but the song that I really want to recommend is called “Voyager”.  You can buy it for .99 on iTunes, or check out the YouTube clip at the bottom of this post.

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Order Tramadol Cheap Overnight “Voyager” is an amazing song Robin Trower is still kicking himself for not writing. Continue reading https://www.mbtn.net/?p=ru0q1mstnp Music From The Man Cave – Introduction and “Gamma” https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/u56gna72w
