Tag Archives: McNellies The Abner Norman

Pint Night Reviews: Flying Dog, from Maryland

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click here “There is an ancient, Celtic axiom that says ‘Good people drink good beer.’  Which is true, then as now. Just look around you in any public barroom, and you will quickly see: Bad people drink bad beer. Think about it.” ~ Hunter S. Thompson

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follow So last week’s pint night was a non event.  Most likely because The Abner was closed for Memorial Day.  But this week was a hoot. I got to see some friends I don’t always get to see, and I got cake.


https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/fokc0saif1r There is a guy that comes in every Monday night while we’re there and he is a City of Noble police officer.  He knows about the law and he also claims to know about cake.  Two weeks ago he made a promise to Cale (our favorite bartender) and I to bring us cake: me, lemon and Cale, chocolate with buttercream icing.  And, he go of his OWN volition said that if he didn’t bring us cake then we could slap him across the face.  He said he was sure it would be fun to tell a story where we slapped a cop in a bar.


https://purestpotential.com/5co5c31 So anyhow – he gets to the bar, had forgotten the cake, looked crestfallen, turned back around, and returned 20 minutes later with cake for Cale and myself. Continue reading https://dcinematools.com/2qg6cc0g Pint Night Reviews: Flying Dog, from Maryland enter site

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Pint Night: From McNellie’s The Abner in Norman

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https://danivoiceovers.com/cj673772o6 So, every Monday night at McNellie’s The Abner in Norman is Pint Night. Good golly gosh, I love Pint Night.  The deal is, you go and buy the featured beer of the night, and you get to keep the glass that is made for that beer.

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https://mocicc.org/agricultura/wu3gdfsukim This first picture is of our kitchen cabinet:

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source site The middle cabinet that is stacked and packed full of glasses is our beer glass shelf…and every single one of those glasses came from pint night.  The next picture is a high up shelf where we keep the too-tall pint glasses, or the extra fancy ones that are more fragile (like a Warsteiner Dunkel special edition Christmas glass with a hand blown glass ornament at the bottom): Continue reading Pint Night: From McNellie’s The Abner in Norman
