Tag Archives: math

On the Horizon: NASA Space Day



Order Cheap Tramadol Online I believe at some point in everyone’s life, a person stops and thinks about space, the infinite frontier. What else is out there? What is it like to be in zero gravity? There are so many questions that have been answered and so many that are still being researched.

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https://www.marineetstamp.com/1uh4qyv79d With efforts to use the excitement of space exploration to get students interested in and involved with science, technology, engineering and mathematics, NASA has made a national effort to reach out to as many schools as they can and give students a hands on look at what working with them is like.


Buying Tramadol Uk In this week’s video blog, we take a look at what leaders in Oklahoma are doing to help promote and educate people about the importance of STEM education. go to site Kela Kelln source


follow link On the Horizon: Space Day from Alisa Hines on Vimeo.

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On the Horizon: Mission to Planet Earth


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go site A few months ago I was invited to travel with some teachers from Oklahoma down to the NASA Johnson Space Center. Since I had never been there before, I was excited to go even though it meant giving up a weekend, I didn’t care. And I wasn’t disappointed.


https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/6oh1b30wi83 The teachers were going as part of the Oklahoma NASA Space Grant Consortium’s Mission to Planet Earth training that happens each summer. It’s an eleven day intense training to enable teachers to teach the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, math) in their every day classrooms. As part of that training, the teachers go to NASA Johnson Space Center to see how NASA does STEM. The teachers love it!

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https://penielenv.com/kpqorq323 I wish that some of my teachers would have had the same opportunity when I was in school. Who knows, I may have gone into a different field of work. I’m not the greatest at math and only a little better at science but if I’d had hands-on training like these teachers are now doing, I may have understood it better and enjoyed it enough to maybe have made a career in one of the sciences. But while I may not be in a STEM field I can certainly showcase it.


follow In this week’s video blog, see how NASA is training teachers in the attempt to create a new NASA workforce. follow Alisa Hines https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/5gwef59


On the Horizon: Einstein for a Day



Buying Tramadol Online As the world progresses and things become even more technical, it is vital for our youth to be well versed, not only with computers, but in sciences. They will be looking for jobs where skills in science, technology, engineering and math are necessary. I was not the best in those subjects so I focused on English. But it’s now at a point where these subject areas are no longer an option.


go In today’s video blog, we take a look at an organization that leads students through the STEM fields in an interactive, hands-on approach. Buying Tramadol Online Illegal Andy Barth https://www.mbtn.net/?p=5l7g9wnd8pd
