I remember receiving mail from the Bursar’s office and always cringing at the sight of my tuition bill. Luckily, I had scholarships to fund a lot of my education, but because I was an out-of-state student, my bill was even higher than most of my peers. I realize a college degree is important, but how much is too much for a piece of paper in a picture frame? When I was in high school, science class was always fun. We would spend our time looking through microscopes and growing mold on bread. And let’s not forget the cool frog and cow heart dissections. Those were definitely fun memories. However, the things I learned in my science classes do not hold a candle to the students we introduce you to in this week’s video blog.
Tramadol 50Mg Buy Online Uk The students in the Biotech program at Southern Oklahoma Technology Center are learning in-depth science techniques that will catapult them into the field of bioscience. From DNA testing to growing cultures, these up and coming scientists are on their way to becoming the best in the industry.
Discount Tramadol Online The green energy push has been around now for several years. It seems as though more and more people are moving toward a greener way of living. From individual wind turbines to household solar panels, people are making a conscious effort to help conserve our planet. Students attending Metro Tech Career Academy in Oklahoma City are getting a firsthand education at what it is like to live green. They recycle, have energy saving lights, and oh yeah, their entire building is made from green materials. In this video blog we take you on a tour of this year-old campus and show you what it is like to live green.