see On the Horizon: Society Awards
Anyone that knows me knows that I have an interesting fascination with awards shows. I enjoy watching an obscene amount of television and I like to consider myself a movie buff, so naturally I find it especially fun to see all my favorite stars dressed in their best and in the same place.
Tramadol Canada Online Even though I have enjoyed watching awards shows for years, I’ve never considered the question of where the actual awards are produced. I was able to meet up with the founder and CEO of a company called Society Awards where they make prestigious entertainment awards, many of which I’m sure you’ve heard about. Agriculture has always been a part of my life. Growing up on a farm and knowing the importance of where our food comes from is something that my parents and grandparents instilled in me since I was young. When the time came to look into colleges, I knew I wanted to do something with media and if possible also gain a better understanding of agriculture and the world around me. Agricultural Communications seemed like the obvious solution. Upon coming to the conclusion that this degree choice was for me, I looked more in-depth at how I could benefit from studying this topic and was pleasantly surprised to find out that graduates with an agricultural degree have a higher job placement rate than many other degree choices.
source In this week’s video blog, see how a demand for agricultural graduates in today’s workforce is causing an increase in enrollment numbers at colleges.
Kela Kelln
Cheap Tramadol Overnight Delivery I have heard people discussing the hot topic of healthcare for the last few years but honestly never did my homework until recently. As most everyone is aware, when President Obama was elected into office, he put the topic of Health Care to the top of his agenda and in 2010 the Affordable Care Act was signed and put into place.
go site This year there was discussion as to whether this new law was constitutional and with much debate the Supreme Court ruled it so. With some of the new laws taking place immediately, other steps will happen gradually throughout the next few years. Healthcare is an important topic that affects most everyone so it is necessary for everyone to become informed. For more information check out this video blog discussing the changes that are taking place to our current healthcare system.
Kela Kelln
get link One of the many unique things about this great state is that as you travel across Oklahoma the scenery changes. The first thought that generally comes to people’s minds is the waving wheat and the rolling plains. Western Oklahoma is farmland as far as the eye can see with trees often few and far between but as you move east the landscape begins to change and what people don’t realize is that Oklahoma actually has a productive forestry industry. I was able to travel down to the southeastern part of the state to Broken Bow where I quickly began to think that I was in a whole new world. Forestry is surprisingly a huge industry in Oklahoma with almost 10 million acres of forest land and an industry that contributes more than $2 billion to our state’s annual economy. In this week’s video blog, we travel into Beaver’s Bend State Park where we learn firsthand about the forestry industry.
Kela Kelln
Ordering Tramadol From Canada More and more women are being seen in positions that are typically performed by men, as opposed to earlier days, when women were to stay at home and take care of the house and children. Women in the work place is very common these days as a duel income between spouses to support a family is almost mandatory in most situations because of the high demand of our society and our nation’s economy.
Cheap Tramadol Online Overnight What isn’t necessarily common is females working in positions that are stereotypically deemed strictly a “mans” job. In this week’s video blog, we get to know four young females who are changing the way we view men’s work; making us realize that if a woman can perform a job then there is no need to worry about gender.
Kela Kelln
Showcasing Red Dirt culture ~ authored and managed by contributors with connections to the great state of Oklahoma.