Tag Archives: Kela Kelln

On the Horizon: NASA Space Day



go to site I believe at some point in everyone’s life, a person stops and thinks about space, the infinite frontier. What else is out there? What is it like to be in zero gravity? There are so many questions that have been answered and so many that are still being researched.

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https://alldayelectrician.com/ulh9gb4sln With efforts to use the excitement of space exploration to get students interested in and involved with science, technology, engineering and mathematics, NASA has made a national effort to reach out to as many schools as they can and give students a hands on look at what working with them is like.


Order Tramadol Us To Us In this week’s video blog, we take a look at what leaders in Oklahoma are doing to help promote and educate people about the importance of STEM education.
Kela Kelln


source link On the Horizon: Space Day from Alisa Hines on Vimeo.


On the Horizon: Severe Weather



go to site I still remember the day quite vividly. I was young and had been away at a summer camp and my dad was on a trip in Washington, D.C., which left my mom home alone to take care of livestock and our house. I remember that year being an exceptionally wet year and I remember this due to a particular event that I will never forget. Our house flooded.


https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/34tk2f8ohpx We’re not talking about a basement flood or that the carpet in our house was wet and soggy due to a water leak, we are talking about the fact that there was so much rain that water slowly rose to a point that it crept in through our doors and filled our house to a point where water was up to your knees. Granted the water only rose as fast as it rained which allowed us to save most all of our belongings but as I mentioned earlier, my mom was home alone and pregnant at the time so we considered ourselves lucky to be from a small rural community that pulled together to help save what they could. It was one of those times that you find out who your friends are and consider yourself blessed to have said friends and family.

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see Our natural disaster was mild compared to some of the other stories we have seen and heard over the years but in this week’s video blog, you see how weather can affect not only lives but can also be big business. I also mention in the show a top 10 weather disaster list where Oklahoma was mentioned more than once and that list can be viewed at the link provided below.

go site

https://www.elevators.com/iocubebt7kl http://dsc.discovery.com/tv-shows/curiosity/topics/10-costly-weather-disasters.htm
Kela Kelln




Baby Think it Over



source site One of my favorite teachers while in high school was my Family and Consumer Sciences instructor. I took the class because of this teacher and I was fortunate to learn a lot from her. Her classes focused on things that you need to know in the real world like balancing a check book and interviewing skills but one experience that has stuck with me throughout the years was the night I had to take care of an electronic baby.


Online Doctor Prescription Tramadol I wasn’t too concerned about this assignment because let’s be honest, how bad can taking care of a doll be? To answer that question, it’s hard. This electronic baby cried and it sounded like a real baby. It interrupted my sleep schedule and kept me up all night. It often needs to be fed and when it would eat it would soon need a diaper change. This baby was as close as a real baby could get and I think it did the trick in making me want to wait a LONG TIME before wanting to have kids of my own.


https://geolatinas.org/rud79vh I recently got to visit a Family and Consumer Science class where students were participating in the same Baby Think it Over program that I had experienced while in high school and in this week’s video blog, we visit with the teacher and see how she is getting her students to “Think it Over” before wanting a baby.
Kela Kelln


On the Horizon: Hay Theft

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https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/l4x7eg4 Hay becomes extremely valuable to farmers and ranchers during the cold winter months, especially this year as farmers continue to struggle with a record setting drought.

https://danivoiceovers.com/6yfwpglvfz4 Many farmers have had to sell livestock due to the lack of pasture to graze and because of the high rise in grain and hay costs. You can ask a farmer why they have had to sell so much of their stock and the response is almost always the same, they just can’t afford to feed them. Times like these often leave people desperate and that desperation has even lead to some people committing crimes of stealing what they need to get by. The combination of this desperation and the rise in hay costs has caused a growing epidemic of hay bales being stolen.

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=wtur8olx In this week’s video blog, we see how one clever Oklahoma sheriff found a way to catch hay thieves in the act.
Kela Kelln

On the Horizon: Oklahoma Wind Industry


go When you’re known as the state where the wind comes sweeping down the plains, it only makes sense that Oklahoma would have a large industry for wind. Many of you have probably noticed some of the large turbines that can be seen along some roads so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to find out that wind has become an important energy source across the nation, especially in Oklahoma.

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=1svvl8wgyp In this video blog, we take a look at why wind developers were nervous at the end of 2012 and what’s happening in the wind industry today.
Kela Kelln