Tag Archives: health

On the Horizon: Words into Actions

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http://www.mscnantes.org/jkzd8f8ykw My father was a devout man, but far from pious. He had no use for those that sang their hosannas on Sunday and, come Monday, showed little regard for their fellow man. If you are familiar with the scriptures he was a Jamesian, believing “Faith without works is dead” and lived his life accordingly.


enter site When I met the gentleman in this week’s video blog, he reminded of my Dad. We never discussed doctrine or my father, but I came away from the story with an admiration of someone who despite a hectic schedule gives himself to others in their times of greatest need.

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https://dcinematools.com/lnv42n0k I enjoyed doing my story on the paramedic preacher; I hope you enjoy watching it.


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Shaking the Saddlebags #1: Trusting the Ball, Kneeling at the Toilet and a Parking Citation

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https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/5vdbj5xw As some of you now know, I have a complicated relationship with my “Saddlebags.” They seem happy to stick around, and I want them gone.  After mustering all my courage to visit the Wellness Center last week, I had to come to terms with the fact that: a) I actually committed to at least twelve one-hour training sessions; and, b) they started this morning.

go True to the friendly-no-matter-how-you-slice it persona of the place, I was met with no less than three “good mornings” as I reluctantly entered the Center.  Oh, and one, “Good morning, Kelly,” from Joanna who just happened to be getting to work the same time I arrived for my session.  I think she secretly staked out the parking lot and entered along with me just to make sure I didn’t turn around and run away.  Effective.  Verrrry effective, those tactics they employ!

source url I descended the stairs into the basement level workout room area thinking, “I’m not going to be able to walk back up these stairs when I’m done.”  I probably had about twenty more doomsday messages ready to tell myself as I neared the door, but once again, the attendant at the desk distracted me from my fear-based mantras.  “Hi,” he said.  “Are you here for a session?”

https://penielenv.com/n0psb82b8d I stared at him for at least two or three seconds thinking, “I could just say no.  I could just say, ‘Oh – nah.  Just looking around.'”  I opened my mouth to answer him, still uncertain of what would come out when a young man with an air of confidence, exuding Physical Fitness walked up and interjected, “Are you Kelly?”

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