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Pint Night: From McNellie’s The Abner in Norman

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follow So, every Monday night at McNellie’s The Abner in Norman is Pint Night. Good golly gosh, I love Pint Night.  The deal is, you go and buy the featured beer of the night, and you get to keep the glass that is made for that beer.

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https://www.yolascafe.com/boscxfh67y This first picture is of our kitchen cabinet:



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https://purestpotential.com/q1ylgshmo The middle cabinet that is stacked and packed full of glasses is our beer glass shelf…and every single one of those glasses came from pint night.  The next picture is a high up shelf where we keep the too-tall pint glasses, or the extra fancy ones that are more fragile (like a Warsteiner Dunkel special edition Christmas glass with a hand blown glass ornament at the bottom): Continue reading https://geolatinas.org/4e9bw4eomq Pint Night: From McNellie’s The Abner in Norman click here
