Tag Archives: Christmas recipes

Crunch Time, Countdown to Christmas

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This is our poor Christmas Tree we just put up!

https://danivoiceovers.com/hf2f1yhcg With Christmas fast approaching I am going to deviate from our usual Stockyards City Cookbook recipe and share a favorite family recipe with you.

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https://dcinematools.com/652mg6pemqv If you are like me you are close to panic mode. Christmas is just around the corner, there is shopping to be done, presents to be wrapped, baking, cleaning and in my case – decorating the house. Yep, you read that right! It is the 16th of December and this self proclaimed “Mrs. Claus” has not decorated her house yet. I waited too late to get a real tree so I drug the fake one out of the attic. My husband took it downstairs for me, put it together and plugged it in. Let’s just say it is going to take a lot of work to get that tree ready for decorations! So rather than work on the Christmas tree I decided to start my baking. I didn’t have a lot of time to spend in the kitchen so I decided to make a quick, easy recipe that my grandmother always made. I’m sure it has an official name but we call it Nana’s Graham Cracker Treats. If you need a quick treat to take to a party or even a cookie exchange this can be whipped up in no time at all.


https://www.marineetstamp.com/8fy2xs41 Nana’s Graham Cracker Treats https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/t3zj9zmvq9l Loyce Robinson

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https://guelph-real-estate.ca/4qzs5wy59sw 2 pkgs. of Graham Crackers (1/2 box) https://lpgventures.com/6gga7wm 1 C. Brown Sugar https://penielenv.com/q6gw5y01xdk 1 3/4 sticks Margarine (1 stick plus 6 T of  margarine) see url 1 tsp. Vanilla source site 1 C. chopped Pecans (optional)


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