Zero, or one? Yes, or no? Positive, or negative? Up, or down? Black, or white, or filled with shades of gray? Americans, much less Oklahomans, probably prefer more choice. I know that I do. Today both started and ended with multiple option choices. But not in the middle.
Tramadol Cheap Cod At the end: a trip out for frozen yogurt with two of my favorite young ladies, one my Frau, the other our oldest child/frauline. One of us had peanut butter and chocolate. One of us had pineapple. And my choice? A berry, fruity mixture, indeed. The day began with choices, as well. Do I sit and read whilst the family sleeps? Do I blog? Do I go out and run whilst it is still cool? Like my late day fruity mixture, I chose a little of all three.
Tramadol Online Prices I prefer choice. It is less stressful. It is more interesting. It is more fun. But that’s not what mid-day presented us with, “us” being myself and the lovely little Frau. Continue reading Binary Equations? I Prefer Thirtywonderfulflavors…
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