Tag Archives: Chocolate cake pudding recipe

Chocolate for breakfast anyone?

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https://lpgventures.com/gcpjrjrlw9h If you are trying to lose weight and are a chocolate lover I think you probably want to avoid  this recipe.   When two people submit the same recipe to a cookbook you know it has to be good!  And let me tell you it was.  I ate this delicious chocolate cake pudding right out of the oven, with ice cream, for BREAKFAST!  Don’t tell my husband, he probably wouldn’t approve.  This is a very easy recipe to prepare and the nice thing is, you mix it up, pop it in the oven and forget it for the next hour.  That is if you can ignore the wonderful chocolate smell that will be wafting through your home. Continue reading https://guelph-real-estate.ca/x8aq77q1n Chocolate for breakfast anyone? enter site
