Tag Archives: Chinese doctor dolls

Without Words: My Chinese Doctor Doll Has Come A Long Way, Baby

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source site I had been in China for six days and had not caved once.  I was looking for what I felt was the perfect memento for my trip.  After drinking espresso with my colleagues at the base of the Great Wall, I wandered into the back of the store…then through a corridor, and into a room I didn’t know existed.  It was crammed with Chinese antiques from the floor to the ceiling.

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https://alldayelectrician.com/74lihxr9x9 There wasn’t a soul in sight so I had the quiet luxury of taking a moment from my traveling group to wander the aisles.  Armor, pottery, furniture, weapons…as I slowly stepped through the history of China and its artifacts I began to think, “Perhaps this is where I’ll find my memento.”


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https://mocicc.org/agricultura/53fj3n6x9 As I peered closer, I knew which one I wanted.  There were three doctor dolls behind the case, of various materials and sizes.  And, of various levels of detail.  But the one I wanted was ivory and so delicately carved that I could see the twists of hair in her bun.


Cheap Tramadol Overnight Cod It took almost an hour to buy her.  I had not bargained so zealously for anything on this trip.  Twice I walked out of the store.  But in the end I had a turn of the century Chinese doctor doll, a certificate of authenticity and confirmation from the government regarding its validity, and a smile on my face.


https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/w376axnxx I had found my memento and she had found me.


http://www.mscnantes.org/igywz8osni Why was she so important, you might wonder?  Well, the reason was contextual.  I was traveling with a group of marriage and family therapists and we were working with hospital and university training programs for the brand new and emerging field of family therapy in China.  And…a theme kept emerging from these meetings.


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https://dcinematools.com/oogs7h3jy3 I first became familiar with Chinese doctor dolls when I watched the 1989 dark comedy, “The War of the Roses.”  I’ll never forget that film.  We had taken a friend who was going through a divorce.  The movie was about a horrible divorce.  I’ll let you guess about the success of our evening out.


Online Prescriptions Tramadol In the opening scene, Barbara shows up at a Nantucket antique auction and outbids Oliver for a Chinese doctor doll.  The conversation over that piece brought them together, and it was the last meaningful shred of their marriage that was shattered into a million pieces right before they killed each other in a long, drawn-out and tragic divorce. Continue reading Without Words: My Chinese Doctor Doll Has Come A Long Way, Baby

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