Tag Archives: CareerTech

On the Horizon: A Real Go-Getter!



click Recently I spent a day with a young person who I greatly respect after following her around for the day. She is a straight “A” student and has been all her life but not only is she smart, she is athletic as well. It was fun to watch her with her classes because she enjoys them so much. From a class in graphic communications which she plans on making her career to an AP Literature class, Kelsey completely absorbs herself in whatever it is she is doing.

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source link Now her athletic abilities have D-1 schools clamoring after her to come to their school. But she is quick to tell them “My career is going to be in graphic communications do you have that at your school?” She is completely focused in the right area of her life. I’m so impressed that she doesn’t let the attraction of so many schools wanting her go to her head.

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https://penielenv.com/bmasnxhb In this week’s video blog, you can see how much enthusiasm Kelsey McClure has and the determination to make her future count. go Alisa Hines https://www.mbtn.net/?p=29bwx2gu


On the Horizon: Education Funding



https://alldayelectrician.com/m70wzo5cc I had the chance to sit in on a meeting with educators and legislators at the state capital and quite frankly, I learned quite a bit about our state’s education system.


follow link Interim Sessions are held each Fall at the state capital and they are done in order to help legislators gain a deeper understanding of the issues that are facing Oklahoma. I didn’t realize there was concern between higher education and CareerTech centers and the problems their students are facing. Now that I have witnessed the discussion and have done my research I can see that a change needs to be made in order to give these students a more even playing field when entering into the workforce.

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https://www.elevators.com/b3rky6l8fqa Take a look at this video blog to get a better understanding of the issue at hand. https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/k7kehq2do Kela Kelln follow link

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On The Horizon: Sweet Melody


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watch On the Horizon: Sweet Melody https://purestpotential.com/5q2a4ajnq I have always been a music enthusiast. Whether I was participating in band or a musical, melodies and harmonies have always been a part of my life. I think the main reason why is because music has the power to impact someone’s life. And in the case of a musician in Enid, Okla., the power of music helped shape his life.


Tramadol Cheapest In today’s video blog we take a look at a fully educated musician who realized that music would not make him a living. However with the help of CareerTech training and a full time job, he’s still living his musical dreams. https://alldayelectrician.com/cqfsmpytm Andy Barth


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