Tag Archives: canning jalapenos

My Little Victory Garden: Dance of the Misty Canning Faery Sprites

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https://lpgventures.com/r7h2mn0kkf This afternoon I was canning.  Nothing out of the ordinary was going on.  A rote, repetitive “chop, chop, peel, peel, stuff, stuff, garlic…salt and lid” process was taking place at my kitchen island. Over and over, nine half-pints full.

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https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/j670tctaoib But as I started the hot water bath, the natural science of heat transfer, water evaporation, and magic woke my numb mind up.  I had forgotten about the Misty Canning Faery Sprites.  But there they were; steam flickers dancing across every gleaming tin lid of every clattering jar.

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https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/slqx2nc6zg9 They didn’t stay for long. Quickly appearing in a different form every time, they would flirt with me then disappear as fast as they came.  I had forgotten about them and was dull, but the faeries reminded me of the kitchen magic waiting to be rediscovered every time I cook.

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https://purestpotential.com/26cpcck6qi So now I’m sharing them with you…tiny moments of the faery dance I saw on top of the lids of my canned peppers this afternoon.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I.


watch My “awakening” was unexpected, and crinkled the corners of my eyes…curled up my mouth and lifted my spirits.


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