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see urlfollow link My previous post focused on the concept of vacation and the way we preserve family history through our memory of special vacation moments. As I looked forward to our first family vacation, I described my excitement about the memories I was on the verge of making and reflected on stand-out vacations from my childhood. We’re back from Disneyland and, in spite of my meticulous preparations, our family vacation didn’t quite go as planned. On the positive side, friends and co-workers have asked the standard question of “Did you have a good vacation?” and my unequivocal answer each time is “Yes!” I watched my kids delight in their first airplane ride. My heart swelled as their little eyes registered awe of the phenomenon that is Disneyland. I beamed as they gleefully met Mickey, Minnie, Peter Pan, Snow White and numerous princesses. We explored Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Santa Monica as only tourists from Oklahoma can do. Knowing that I sometimes forget to take good pictures, I kept the camera ever-ready and took 150 pictures during the first 3 days of our trip. Yep, I was proud of myself for diligently capturing these precious memories so that our family can share and revisit a special time in our lives.
click heresource url But that’s only part of the story. On day #3 while at the beach, something happened that I didn’t anticipate. As we strolled obliviously along the picturesque beach and blissfully reflected on our vacation thus far, someone stole our camera. In a split second, we said goodbye to the tangible connection to our vacation memories. While I am an emotional person by nature, our misfortune evoked heavy-hearted tears from a place deep in my gut that only kicks into gear during rare moments of extreme helplessness and frustration. Continue reading The Best-Laid Plans of (Mickey) Mice and Men