Tag Archives: Barry Sanders Jr.

Ch-ch-ch-aan-GES! What’s Up, What’s New, What’s Soon

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go here Lot’s of things are happening at the RDC and occasionally we put out News posts to let you know about them. HOWEVER, “The RDC News” is basically our first announcement…  Next week we’re going to give you the ability to subscribe to a bi-weekly, one-page newsletter.  This will keep you up to date with the goings-on of our contributors, what new features we might be sharing and stories or essays we plan on publishing.  This way, if you WANT to know, we’ll tell you.  If you don’t, we won’t!  We’ll have a “subscribe to the RDC Newsletter” feature on our front page so you can do it, pass it along, or let it fly right by.


https://www.mbtn.net/?p=un0oii7 Next, Rob Loeber our sports editor is putting together a joint venture with one of his friends to cover Oklahoma high school sports.  Right now he’s doing an interview with Barry Sanders, Jr. so his sports post won’t be up ’till later this weekend or on Monday.  We’re excited about the possibility of not only cross-promoting each other’s work, but also by having even more ways to share the stories of Oklahoma right here at the RDC.


https://geolatinas.org/3zxdx3a3uyr Contributor news ~ Julie’s taking a break for a bit, and we’ll see her again when she’s got the new school year all settled in. Her school district is lucky to have her; she does such cool things with the students!

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