Tag Archives: Axis deer

My Little Victory Garden: Sweet Safari!

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Fallow deer, heading toward the feeding trough on Honey Hill Farm.

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=9mqh2qug9 You know those stories that begin with one segment, then lead to another? And another. And…another? This is one of those stories.  Here’s how it started:


Buy Cheap Tramadol Online Cod One of my first Victory Garden entries included a trip to my neighbor down the road, Crestview Farms.  I picked up some fresh eggs, some Honey Hill Farm local honey, and spoke with the owner about when her French Tarragon might be in.  I got home, unloaded my treasures, and noticed that the Honey Hill Farm label read: Edmond, OK.  How about that?  The beekeepers were ALSO neighbors.  I stashed that little nugget of information into the back of my brain and thought, “Okay, I’ll get there soon.” I wrote that post March 20th.

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Purchase Tramadol Discount On June 20th, exactly 90 days later, Jerry Logan took a few hours out of his early morning schedule to show me just how it is that his bees do what they do.  And his deer run like they run, and his Scimitar oryx grow horns as beautiful and long as they grow them.  I appreciate Jerry’s willingness to let me ride along in his farm truck, in his camouflage utility vehicle and walk by his side as I learned all about how one thing led to another, and then another, until it became what it is today. Continue reading go to link My Little Victory Garden: Sweet Safari! https://mocicc.org/agricultura/0a9rdryhefg

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