Can I Order Tramadol Online Legally I’ve always wanted to build my own home…it’s just never been a possibility but if I did, I think I would build it using as much green technology as I could and here’s why:
watch When I did a shoot in Alva, OK, a while back, I was doing a story about a house that was being built using several green technologies and when the builder started talking about the cost savings, it just made sense. Not only is building green good for the environment, it’s great for the pocketbook. I currently live in a house where the normal electric bill is around $250 a month during the summer and not much cheaper during the winter. I wonder what it would be if I had insulated windows, solar panels, geothermal heat/air, and was built using Styrofoam? According to the builder, it would be a whole lot cheaper to live in it even with this excessive heat wave. In this week’s video blog, see how one home owner in Northwest Oklahoma is going to save big even when the earth is at baking temperature. ~Alisa Hines
click On the Horizon: Going Green from Alisa Hines on Vimeo.
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