Tag Archives: 5 O’Clock Friday Funnies

5 O’Clock Friday Funnies: My No Good, Very Bad, Horrible Day for Shoes


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https://geolatinas.org/ui5t773v10 Clink, clop, Clink, clop, Clink, clop.

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https://danivoiceovers.com/fwzb2mw3 I was walking to my College briskly as it was twenty-seven degrees outside. Burdened down with my workout bag, my briefcase, my purse and my lunch bag, I stopped every once in a while to shift, resettle, then walk again.

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Purchase Tramadol Cod Shipping “Crap, I think one of my heels must be worn through to the nail. I’ll need to get a new plastic cap put on next time I’m in town. I only have two pair of black dress shoes I can wear around campus.” I was talking to myself as I neared the building. I stopped again, shifted the load one last time, balanced my bags, grabbed the double doors and entered the building.


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https://www.mreavoice.org/d3inj4vtur “Criminy, shoes. Loud much?” Now I was talking to my shoes.

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https://dcinematools.com/2qfvhxqi I got to the elevator, somewhat relieved that I could give my shoes a break. When the elevator door opened, I tried a different way of walking.


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https://lpgventures.com/f3m21ih That was better. At least I wasn’t Clinking and Clopping. Stop, shift, balance…open my office door, and…begin my day.


https://www.mbtn.net/?p=f48rxw2 Thirty minutes later I walked down to the office to ask for some room scheduling support for a weekend class I was teaching. Annoyed by my shoe-noise once again, I told myself I’d probably have to shift to my tip-toe quieter mode for the rest of the day and resolved to look at my shoes before I got dressed from now on.


enter site I stopped and talked with a few students on the way back to my office. I stopped in at the cafe and grabbed a cup of coffee. I had probably, by this point, encountered between fifty to one hundred fifty people.

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Order Tramadol Online Prescription I returned to my office, settled into my work mode and bent down to turn on the power strip to my computer. “Ohhhhhhhh…..” I stared at my feet.


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follow site Remember the “only two pair of black dress shoes I had that were suited to walk around campus?”  I had one of each on that day. Continue reading 5 O’Clock Friday Funnies: My No Good, Very Bad, Horrible Day for Shoes
