On the Horizon: If you build it, they will become it



https://penielenv.com/q87mut3x8is Every year the Oklahoma Aerospace Alliance puts on a summit to showcase aerospace in Oklahoma. As part of that summit, they have an educator’s day to bring together local educators, industry, and government to create the aerospace workforce of tomorrow. They want to make Oklahoma the global aerospace destination of the world. This year they did things a little differently and I believe it just might work.


https://www.mreavoice.org/7tuf5tv0 They brought the teachers in and gave them hands-on instruction on how to teach students and peak their interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). It was definitely a fun-filled day. While there, I saw teachers laughing, crying out in amazement, discussing new ways of teaching, and really enjoying the learning process themselves. Many can’t wait to take what they learned back to their classrooms to see just how much their students will enjoy learning this way too.


source site I wished I could have had this type of instruction when I was growing up. Who knows, I might have gone into engineering or maybe science (math was definitely out because I simply don’t do very well other than basic math). Technology is as close as I come currently to anything in the STEM fields but I might have given other areas a harder look if I’d know just how much fun they could be.

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http://www.mscnantes.org/ggz9znpl0 In this week’s video blog, see how local teachers are spending their Summer break in the hopes of bringing new ways of teaching to the classroom and maybe getting students interested in aerospace once again.
Alisa Hines



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On the Horizon: Bring Home the Cattle


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go to site The cows are starting to come home in Southwestern Oklahoma. But high prices are slowing down the process. When I traveled to the Southwest corner of the state last year, I found crunchy ground, long trailer lines at the sale yards, and people rationing their water. It was site I prayed I would never have to see again.


Order Tramadol Cheap Overnight As this spring rolled around, the rains poured across North Central Oklahoma where I live. But I wondered what was happening with our friends to the Southwest of us. I was very pleased to find that they had gotten 14 inches of rain by the month of June! Things were definitely turning around for them and I knew I had to get back down there and tell the other half of their story.

https://danivoiceovers.com/wm7c8fvqnr In this week’s video blog, we take a look at how the citizens of Caddo County survived the drought and how they are bouncing back and reclaiming their livelihoods.
Andy Barth


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Exposed: Thunder Fan Reveals Internal Dialogue During the Western Conference Finals


here Tuesday, 8:35 a.m., she opens her e-mail and reads that, “…tomorrow, June 6, 2012 [is] INTEGRIS Thunder Spirit Day!” She notices her place of employment used not one, but TWO exclamation marks in an official “wear Thunder clothes to work tomorrow” message. She’s now certain that a good portion of her brain will be completely preoccupied by the impending Oklahoma City Thunder-San Antonio Spurs GAME 6 for every remaining second of the day.

https://geolatinas.org/pjov2lx7i 11:30 p.m. that evening, she rolls over to stare at the alarm clock and groans. “Uhhhnnnnnhhh!” she thinks to herself, “I was right! C’mon brain, shut it off. You’ve got to rest up and save your energy for TOMORROW, the real and actual bona fide game day. Ugh.” Five minutes later, she starts thinking over again the problem of which “Thunder Wear” she’ll don for work tomorrow. Would it be her official NBA Kevin Durant Jersey? Or should she go casual and wear her “Thunder U” tee? She rolls over to stare at the alarm clock again and it’s 11:48. The last cognition she can recall had all periods between the words: “Must. Stop. Thinking….Cripes.”

source url Wednesday morning, 9:40 a.m. She has already explained to two people what “Thunder U” means and why her t-shirt IS indeed an appropriate choice for the day. As she whisks into her office to grab her massive “Thunder Power Flowers” she stops dead in her tracks, her gaze focusing on the weather outside her large picture window. Was that….thunder she heard? What!? Rain was pouring down the windows and the question in her head was answered with a second roll of thunder, louder this time and immediately influencing a ridiculously large smile across her face. Yes. It was an omen.

watch Wednesday afternoon, she strolls the halls to find someone, anyone, who will prognosticate about tonight’s game. She finds at least three people who help relieve her anxiety for a full four minutes.

go to link Wednesday evening, 5:15 p.m. she calls her husband to carefully plan the food they will consume during the game. She pulls into Ted’s Cafe Escondido parking lot thirty minutes later to pick up a “set up” (salsa, cheese dip, chips and tortillas) to accompany the chicken fajitas and guacamole her husband was preparing at home. She was third in line at the “To Go” counter and realized her idea was also replicated by no fewer than the two others in line, one person calling in an order on the phone, and three people sitting in chairs staring menacingly at those who had actually planned to call ahead. Ted’s Set Ups were going like hot cakes…it seemed as if the whole world needed Mexican food to survive the game – now only two hours and fifteen minutes away. As she left the restaurant, she decided not to ruin the good karma for the Thunder by smiling triumphantly and holding up HER set up in front of those still waiting on theirs.

go 6:30 p.m. She and her husband are still in the kitchen, running around as if they were just learning to cook. They’re beyond distracted with the pre-game shows, the tension building up in their guts, and the fact that they had to have everything completely perfect so that every single brain cell could focus on the game once it started. They COULD NOT leave something undone in the food, pet care, plant watering and general chores department….it would be impossible to perform these tasks during the commercials. If someone had peeked in the window to observe, there might very well have been little blurs of people appearing to be moving in “fast forward” mode. GAME TIME was almost here!

https://www.yolascafe.com/7sbi0bx 8:00 p.m. Her bottom is sitting squarely in her cordovan, nailhead-detailed armchair. Continue reading Exposed: Thunder Fan Reveals Internal Dialogue During the Western Conference Finals


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On the Horizon: Bring on the Rain


https://www.marineetstamp.com/pa4aejvqr Wheat is one of our most basic commodities. From this crop we get breads, pasta, supplements, animal feed and a wide array of other foods. But last year when a drought threatened the southern plains, wheat and many other crops took a hit and their producers were left collecting insurance settlements.

go to link Luckily, when February rounded the corner, the clouds opened and rain poured from the skies. The water continued for months and the wheat grew thicker and taller. By harvest time, producers were harvesting a bumper crop.

follow link In this week’s video blog, we take a look at the difference a year and a little rain can make in the lives of wheat farmers.
Andy Barth


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On the Horizon: Wine Destination

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Tramadol Purchase Uk Wine production was a significant component of the Oklahoma agricultural economy in the 1920s. The industry was destroyed by the Dust Bowl of the 1930s and the introduction of Prohibition in the United States. But vineyards and wineries are making a come-back.

go to link I have gone on a number of Agritourism bus tours and many of them have included either a vineyard, a winery, or both. Each time it’s evident that the people on the bus enjoy their wine. Now most people think of wine tasting as something you do in California or France, but you can taste wine right here in Oklahoma. And let me tell you, some of it is quite good. Some people even hop in a limo and “tour” the local wineries to get a taste of Oklahoma wines without the problem of who the designated driver is. Sounds like a good idea to me.

https://mocicc.org/agricultura/8hn47807 Oklahoma currently has about 52 wineries. In this week’s video blog, get a taste of the success Whispering Meadows Winery has as a one stop shop for any wine connoisseur.
Alisa Hines


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Showcasing Red Dirt culture ~ authored and managed by contributors with connections to the great state of Oklahoma.