Ever since I was little I always remember looking high in the sky in search of airplanes. They fascinated me. They are so big, yet seem light as a feather. When I got the opportunity to get on an airplane for the first time as a 6 year-old, I was ecstatic. I have flown on countless planes since then and still marvel at their abilities in the air.
source link As we continue to advance in today’s world it is important to look back and recognize how we got where we are today. In this week’s video blog, we travel to Oolagah, OK, where TV sensation and All-American hero, Will Rogers, was born. We take a look at the 76th Annual Will Rogers Fly-in, an event held in honor of Rogers and Wiley Post – two men responsible for so much in the aviation industry.
Andy Barth
Tramadol Orders Well, my comments today I am going to try to keep short; I guess you could say I am going to CUT them short to try to help our politicians with the budget cuts. See, the Democrats are trying to cut enough to make the Republicans happy, so they can all work together. I mean literally WORK together. If they don`t get this all worked out by beginning of next week, it may just cause a government shut down… Meaning, these politicians on Capitol Hill would just stop coming to work “cause we ran out of funds.” Let me run that by you all again… Politicians would not work after next week. Now, I don`t know about you folks, but does anyone here think politicians work anyway and besides, I can`t think of a better way of helping this country than to get politicians out of Washington for a while. As a matter of fact, that might just be the best budget cut of all time; send them all on a LONG fishing trip and let them all know that we are not paying government employees` vacation pay this year; we had to cut that short. Boy, if we did that we`d be able to pay off the national debt in a month. Plus, maybe if we did that it would get everyone out of our President`s hair, and he might be able to get some real work done.
go I`m also trying to see if we can see about getting a little extra daylight savings taken off this time around, maybe we could save it and put a little of it on the budget.
Tramadol Paypal The other issue I have with this is… Why would you get a bunch of fat cat politicians, who are mostly rich, to work out what we need right now in the way of a budget. If you want a realistic budget plan, give the job to a single mother, out of work, with kids. THAT`LL be a realistic plan to work off. Having our politicians create this budget plan is like letting the Dem`s and Rep`s take America on a shopping spree, only they shop at the dollar store and all we can afford is the dime store. They just don`t buy the same toilet paper as we do; theirs is softer and each sheet is individually made.
source url Well, I think I went on a little too long, so you all get an IOU from me.
get link After working on this story about Will Rogers and Politics and other stories we’ve done on him in the past, I’ve come to the conclusion that I would liked to have known Will Rogers. He was a down to earth kind of guy and was very funny in an off-handed kind of way. Will was very intelligent and extremely well liked. Even when he was making fun of you, you still liked him. Many presidents and political leaders were the subject of his jokes but I think it was something that probably made them better known to people because Will spoke about them. Many late night television hosts try to be like him with their running commentary on the day’s news but they just don’t hold a candle to Will Rogers. Even when he was being funny, he was still kind about it. Yes…I would liked to have known him and in this week’s video blog, I hope you will get a glimpse of just who Will Rogers was.
Alisa Hines
Non Prescription Tramadol Online More and more women are being seen in positions that are typically performed by men, as opposed to earlier days, when women were to stay at home and take care of the house and children. Women in the work place is very common these days as a duel income between spouses to support a family is almost mandatory in most situations because of the high demand of our society and our nation’s economy. What isn’t necessarily common is females working in positions that are stereotypically deemed strictly a “mans” job. In this week’s video blog, we get to know four young females who are changing the way we view men’s work; making us realize that if a woman can perform a job then there is no need to worry about gender.
Kela Kelln
That blog was going to be written and submitted before Memorial Day.
go here A couple of “little” things got in the way though. Two Saturdays, two weeks apart in May, my family celebrated two graduations. First was my oldest daughter’s college graduation on Mother’s Day Weekend. Who could ask for a better Mother’s Day present than to see your firstborn walk the stage as she received her Bachelor’s of Science degree? Second was watching my #3 child graduate from high school. Even though I am a few weeks behind, I do wish to write about the topic I had in mind, only expanded slightly. Several weeks ago, I realized those raised after the Baby Boomers may not be familiar with Decoration Day and/or the origins of Memorial Day. Since the six weeks from mid-May to Independence Day are packed with multiple flag-waving occasions, let’s take a peek at each one.
Order Tramadol Online Us Armed Forces Day, celebrated on the third Saturday of May each year, honors the military folks currently serving in any of the five branches of the US Military. If you are fortunate enough to live near a military installation, you may be invited to attend an open house and tour the facilities. Southwestern Oklahoma is blessed with two full-time installations, and several National Guard posts. Raise your hand if you ever had the thrill of touring a C-5A or B, C-17, KC-135 (all air force planes), or maybe even crawling around on or in a tank or two. Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day, had its humble beginnings on both sides of the Mason-Dixon Line during the War Between the States. Southern and Northern mothers and sisters realized the soldiers who gave all on the battlefield had no family nearby to tend their graves. One by one, they slipped out to the battlefield burial sites to clean and mark each grave. Now celebrated on the last Monday in May, it was originally designated by the federal government to be held each year on May 30. Decoration Day in some areas, particularly the South is still observed on various dates in May. I will share a personal experience of this special day at the end of the blog. One of the major turning points of World War II happened on June 6, 1944, when the Allied Forces came ashore at Normandy to take back Europe from Hitler’s Army. Over 2,000 Americans gave their lives that day to preserve the freedom not only of the USA, but of much of Europe, too. Though not an official holiday, many still choose to honor this significant day in our history.
Tramadol Online Cash On Delivery Old Glory was first approved as our nation’s flag on June 14, 1777. From its humble beginnings in the sketch drawn by President George Washington to the 50 Stars and Bars that wave proudly from many a flagpole today, take time to reflect on what it represents the next time you see it displayed. Another major historical event is also celebrated on June 14 – the birthday of the U.S. Army. The Army first came together two years before the flag – in 1775. Wonder who had the pleasure of blowing out the 237 candles on the Army’s birthday cake this year?
click here Last but certainly not least of the flag-waving days of late spring and early summer is of course our nation’s birthday. We recognize the birthday as July 4, 1776, and call it Independence Day, but the question remains: is that the date we truly gained our independence from England? Your homework assignment, should you decide to accept it, is to do the research yourself on this one. Growing up in the best part of the greatest state of the USA taught me a lot about life and what is important. For many folks, Memorial Day weekend represents the first big 3-day weekend of the summer. In their rush to get out of town and away from work, they forget the real reasons behind this holiday. Papa and Mama would never let us forget, though.
Our typical Memorial Day weekend began Saturday morning with a trip to the Francis Cemetery near Humphreys, in Jackson County. Aunts, uncles, cousins and friends would join us for the day as we weeded, cleaned, and mowed the cemetery. For us kids, the cemetery also held adventure, great food, and the occasional learning experience. Adventures included chasing and catching jack rabbits, horned toads and other critters, and checking out the unusual engravings on some of the tombstones.
Around noon, the “tail-gate” party would begin. Of course this was before tail-gaiting was a popular activity prior to sporting events. Most everyone had brought one or more covered dishes for lunch. The men would put together a couple of tables, while the women spread out the food. Papa or one of the other men would say a prayer of thanks. Tailgates were dropped on all available pickups to provide the seating for this covered-dish dinner. Once our tummies were full, the women cleaned up the dinner table, while the men and kids returned to the tasks at hand.
Learning experiences were plentiful in this old country cemetery. Things like:
Don’t mess with the toppled tombstones. They are heavy, and make great hiding places for snakes and scorpions.
Cactus plants have long sharp needles, and lots of pesky little needles. Both are painful to remove, especially if you lay down in a patch of them to catch a bunny.
Some learning was slow in coming.
Inspired by the map my mother started in the late 1980s, and also bit by the genealogy bug, I decided the map needed more than just names and dates. Pictures would help bring it to life for those searching for their roots. After piecing together information for my own family, I realized that four generations of my family are buried there. I also learned that numerous veterans are buried there, including several from the Civil War.
Though we no longer gather on the last Saturday in May to clean and decorate, this cemetery remains well-cared for thanks to a handful of volunteers that secure donations for the Francis Cemetery Association to pay for regular mowing. Ruth Ann Hoover and Tommy Sadler manage the association, while Ricky Crouch keeps the grounds weeded and mowed.
Thank you for joining me in this flag-waving patriotic blog. For more information on the holidays mentioned above – please check out these resources: