My Little Victory Garden: Morning to Midday to Afternoon and…All the Time

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see url In the coolness of the morning…

get link I put seven pounds of carrots through the food processor in order to turn them into carrot cake for the 4th of July, and carrot hummus for a healthy evening snack to enjoy with homegrown cucumbers.

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To make carrot hummus, simply puree well in a blender or food processor: 1 c shredded carrots; 1/4 c. tahini; 1 can drained chickpeas; 2 quartered garlic cloves; 3 T rough chopped parsley; 1-2 T. olive oil; salt to taste; 1 T. lemon juice. To arrange like photo, simply peel cucumbers, scoop out seed-pulp, and fill seed space with hummus. Best served chilled.

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On the Horizon: Circle the Wagons

source site It has been said that food cooked over an open fire is the best tasting. Growing up with a grandfather who loved camping for weeks at a time, I can say that the saying is true. I do not know why but there is something about camp-cooked potatoes and fire-grilled steak that makes my mouth water. So when found out I was headed to a Dutch oven cookout I couldn’t have been more excited.

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On the Horizon: Okemah’s Favorite Son Music is a big deal in Oklahoma and what better way to celebrate it than by honoring the life of Woody Guthrie. With the folk music festival of a century, the Woody Guthrie Centennial Celebration has a long list of folk musicians ready to entertain. In this week’s video blog we take a look at life of Okemah’s favorite son – Woody Guthrie. ~ Andy Barth

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On the Horizon: Oklahoma – a Blue State?

Online Doctor Prescription Tramadol Oklahoma republicans proudly proclaim the state as the reddest in the nation. In fact, during the last presidential election, not a single county voted democratic and republicans made a clean sweep of statewide offices. So it may come as a bit of a surprise, that Oklahoma has been a hot bed of socialism. In this week’s video blog we take a look at a long time Oklahoma Company whose origins go back to its socialists beginnings.
Rob McClendon

get link On the Horizon: Oklahoma — A Blue State? from Alisa Hines on Vimeo.

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My Little Victory Garden: Predicting the Need for a Smudging Ceremony Nature is heralding the summer heat in Oklahoma with fortissimo intensity.  At night, the tree frogs talk to the world with their throats wide open and their volume buttons cranked full to the right. During the day the locusts (you say cicadas, I say locusts?) track the heat waves by vibrating their deafening buzz into rhythmic rolls. In my hot, damp garden soil millions of microbial bugs and extra-small spiders or beetles are working overtime, fueled by perfect conditions to break down a rotten tomato here, or a forgotten carrot there.

Tramadol Overnight Delivery Mastercard My senses are keenly aware of this exorbitant activity of Life as I work beneath the large rhubarb leaves to eradicate weeds, or pull back a curtain of tangled yellow cherry tomato vines to discover the last of the onions.

follow site The Summer is alive, pulsating, pushing and stretching all the plant life in My Little Victory Garden; my efforts to match the production yet keep order sometimes continue until the last ray of sunlight says, “Stop.  We’ll start again tomorrow.”  I’m glad the Light knows my limits because when I stand up and stretch my tired back, or rest my shaking legs – taxed from assuming a squatting position for too long while checking every pepper plant, I’m surprised that Dusk is already here. The locusts fade, the frogs take over, and the tiny microbials may still be scurrying but I can no longer see them.  There is no denying that the Earth is using all her energy to feed the Cycle of Life right now.  But I know a secret… I know that sometime when the days are shorter, the frogs will eventually change their song for slumber. The locusts will have laid their eggs, moved on or died, and given their bodies back to the earth.  And I’ll be spending more time inside the house as the weather changes to a cooler flavor.  And THAT, my friends, is when I’ll need a smudging ceremony. My living area will need to be cleansed of the lurking spirits of Worry about my dissertation, the lingering shadows of summer that mock what Wasn’t Completed and must wait until next year, the dread of Time spent in research when I desperately want to run away and sleep for four days and then read forty books. I’m preparing for that time by drying my beautiful sage I pulled from the garden today.  I’m also saving just a bit for recipes I might find that would allow for some dried sage in lieu of fresh. And I’m predicting that when that time comes in late fall or early winter, I’ll walk over to my firebox to build the evening fire, see my smudge sticks and then smile.  I love finding winter stores I’ve forgotten.

Tramadol Online Usa And then? I’ll toss a bunch of dried sage into my fire along with lavender, a few cedar chips and some sweet grass if I can gather some soon. Then sit down… Continue reading My Little Victory Garden: Predicting the Need for a Smudging Ceremony


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Showcasing Red Dirt culture ~ authored and managed by contributors with connections to the great state of Oklahoma.