Tramadol Canada Online Julie Kennedy was wearing an orange and white Chevron print apron her grandmother had made her when she took our order for breakfast. She welcomed us warmly, accommodated all our special requests, chatted about the restaurant and quickly went about her business. It was Saturday morning, and Ya-Ya’s Place in Carney, Oklahoma was filling up fast.
Buying Tramadol In Canada It wasn’t long before our order came, and I must say, the food rivaled any breakfast cafe around the area. The décor was managed with a sense of humor The kitchen was clean, as was the bathroom. And, we were checked on during our meal not too many times, and not too few.
Julie’s husband and child were in one of the booths enjoying their own breakfast. Her mother-in-law owns the business, and her sister-in-law was cooking that morning. I think it’s safe to say the entire family is invested in making Ya-Ya’s succeed. The locals appeared comfortable and were all cleaning their plates as the morning progressed. Continue reading Every Point OK Food: Ya-Ya’s in Carney, Oklahoma