click The Red Dirt Chronicles (RDC) was born summer, 2010. If you’re saying to yourself, “Hey, this site is approximately 7 years old!” then we’ll take that as a sign you’re of sound mind. The project is comprised of contributors who love Oklahoma and have a little Red Dirt running through their veins. Our mission is simple. We wish to document and share Red Dirt culture, both literally and metaphorically. Connections to the state of Oklahoma are a mandatory requirement for our contributors. You Order Tramadol Online Legally Most of the content we’ll be posting from 2014-2024 will be from our “Every Point on the Map” (EPTOM) project. EPOTM is a ten-year journey to conduct and document a meaningful conversation with at least one person in every one of Oklahoma’s 594 towns and cities. site This blog is the home-base venue from which other content will be shared or managed. However, we’re always open to hearing about stories that need telling. So, if you know of one, let US know… How would you do that?” Click Here to visit our Contact page.
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