Pint Night Reviews: Flying Dog, from Maryland “There is an ancient, Celtic axiom that says ‘Good people drink good beer.’  Which is true, then as now. Just look around you in any public barroom, and you will quickly see: Bad people drink bad beer. Think about it.” ~ Hunter S. Thompson

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here So last week’s pint night was a non event.  Most likely because The Abner was closed for Memorial Day.  But this week was a hoot. I got to see some friends I don’t always get to see, and I got cake.

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Cheap Tramadol Cod Overnight There is a guy that comes in every Monday night while we’re there and he is a City of Noble police officer.  He knows about the law and he also claims to know about cake.  Two weeks ago he made a promise to Cale (our favorite bartender) and I to bring us cake: me, lemon and Cale, chocolate with buttercream icing.  And, he of his OWN volition said that if he didn’t bring us cake then we could slap him across the face.  He said he was sure it would be fun to tell a story where we slapped a cop in a bar.

go here So anyhow – he gets to the bar, had forgotten the cake, looked crestfallen, turned back around, and returned 20 minutes later with cake for Cale and myself.

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see url He was right, the cake was delicious.

watch So now I’m going to hand over the beer critiquing portion to my ever so technically-minded husband.  I asked him to write a bit over what he thought about the beer and this is what I received… Flying Dog, from Maryland
Doggie Style Pale Ale, 5.5% ABV

enter Appearance:
Pours a vibrant, yet hazy, orange–almost coppery–color, with a thin,
light head.

click here Tramadol Online United States Smell:
The aroma is rich with apricot, grapefruit and just a hint of pine.

follow url Taste:
The initial taste is a bright bite of cascade hops, with a rich wash
of sweetness, more and more citrus and just a hint of mellow malts. While
moderately aggressive, it still provides a very sweet flavor and is
easy to enjoy for just about anyone.

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get link go to site Mouthfeel:
The mouthfeel is light, yet not watery. There is a good, strong
acidity, and a nearly-ideal amount of carbonation.

here While this is not necessarily one of my all-time favorites, it’s a
solid beer from a solid brewer. It’s refreshing and does not
disappoint in flavor. I asked him to describe it because I found it fairly unremarkable, especially after I had just imbibed Lefthand’s Imperial Stout which pretty much decimated my palate with awesomeness. I didn’t bring my camera along this week, so here’s a cool iPhone picture of the glass (see above). It’s a standard pint glass with awesome graphics.

watch ‘Til next time, Red Dirt Racie & the Hubs, by proxy

go to site Pint Night 1 / Pint Night 3

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