Cigar Philosophy in the Warr Room: EPOTM ~ Yukon, OK Tramadol Pills Online go to site Tramadol For Sale Online Cod

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click here Kyle Warr’s grandfather and father developed much of what is now known as Warr Acres, Oklahoma. Kyle is a business person who lives in Yukon with his family. Get to know a little about him, his cigar shop and music business during this Every Point OK conversation in this video.

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follow follow A little back-story…

  1. Kyle Warr is Christi Warr’s husband.
  2. Christi Warr is a compassionate soul who looked with favor upon our project Kickstarter almost two years ago.  She said, “Yes – I’ll contribute.” Her contribution level allowed her to choose what town and person we visited when she was “next in line.”
  3. So, in the way that lovers do, Christi chose her husband to be our discussant. They live in Yukon, Oklahoma and own two businesses there.

see url When we finally got to “discussion day,” almost 14 months after we met Christi, it happened to be raining.  And, it wasn’t just a little rain. It was what you might call cats, dogs, and other domestic animals-kind of rain.

source But, Kyle met us at RDB Cigars, conveniently located very close to Red Dirt Brothers Guitars, and we had ourselves a fine little chat. In my head, I say those two words like Southerns say “pee-can” (See-GARZ and Gee-TARZzzz). Actually, it was a rather long chat.  So long, in fact, that there’s really no way we can share all we discussed.  I suppose we’ll save the historical excerpts for our book.

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enter site In the meantime, check out these photos taken by Rachel at both locations. And, please notice that I’m actually IN one of our photos.  I know…this is a rare, rare thing.

follow And one more thing: Thank you, Christi. We’re still going strong, and part of that reason is because of your early, generous, I-Believe-In-You support…and the support of so many others. And also, one last thing: Thank you, Kyle, for being our first EPOTM “Metal Horns” (devil fingers) photo subject.  You rocked it. ~ RDK

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Yes, this is me… “Red Dirt Kelly.” I thought maybe I could Vanna-White those cigars just a bit!
So. You know we saw Elvis here, right?
Red Dirt Brothers Guitars co-owner, Chris Winkler.  _DSC0096 _DSC0097 _DSC0100 _DSC0102 _DSC0105 _DSC0113 _DSC0115 _DSC0133 _DSC0134 _DSC0136

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