(Note: I wrote this post a full two weeks ago but never posted it. Now, I actually AM cleaning up links, videos and other messy stuff. However, you might be curious why there has been a little less activity on the RDC for the past few days…Well, wonder no more. Just read this post and you’ll understand. Spring Cleaning is icky. ~ RDK) I have been a bona fide blogger for approximately seventeen months. Between the time I set up my first “Blogger” site called “Red Dirt Kelly” through today I have grown the project through three different platforms and four different structures. Further, I’ve deployed 1.997 posts per day since I began for a total of 910. That calculation doesn’t include the four sitting in the “draft” status on my queue. My plan with our current “online magazine” (I’m trying to decide whether I want to change to that language…it was used in the introduction for our recent TV appearance) was right at that reported level of content. site I knew that if all the contributors split up the work, then we would only have to write 1-2 times per week. THAT part of the plan hasn’t panned out as well as I thought, but a fully operational volunteer blog with twelve people who are willing to write on a volunteer basis is tough to muster. I think about advertising all the time. I know that I personally would be more willing to write on a scheduled basis if I were being paid. But aside from reflections about growing the RDC, I’ve been having thoughts about Order Tramadol Overnight Cod MAINTAINING the RDC. What do I mean by that?
source Well, take for example this illustration: Yesterday I was perusing back through the content I’ve written and posted quite a while ago. I smiled when I saw a post I that had included a funny song from YouTube. That song was just so quirky to me I decided to rewatch the video. I was surprised, but not shocked, when I got this message:
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