Tramadol Online Mastercard There are a couple of things I’ve noticed about social media.
herehttps://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/oxtcj0a1 First, I really am influenced by messages I receive throughout the week about what I might want to buy for cooking meals, where I might wish to plan my next trip, or how I decide to choose spend some of my discretionary funds to purchase a book for upcoming summer reading.
https://alldayelectrician.com/wj9hd55https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/a9za1d0ya5 For example, this week I saw that Stilwell Strawberries had just been received at the Urban Agrarian, I “Tweeted” them a question asking if they would be bringing some to the Edmond Farmer’s Market opening day, and received this reply back: “Absolutely.” Immediately, I began planning what to cook for my family on Sunday night, but more so, I COULD begin that planning because of the social tools we now use today. I had heard a “rally cry” that began in the eastern Oklahoma strawberry fields and had been carried through the central OKC relay system, with the end result landing on my kitchen table.
source urlhttps://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/v3mm598qs Second, because of social media, the producers in Oklahoma have become personal to me. I’ve intentionally shifted my food budget from approximately 10-15% local purchases two years ago, to approximately 50% or more local purchases today. Every month when I read the Oklahoma Food Cooperative‘s “Producer Notes” I get to hear what is going on at the farm/ranch level. I get to learn how it is that I have new product choices or why it is that certain weather or economic factors influence what I choose for a particular month.
https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/btyghwzsnsource url I can plan my own garden because I know I’m more or less likely to get certain crops at the market every year at pretty decent prices, therefore I plant to harvest what I know will help me save money and I have the best chance of growing successfully….and that complements what I can already get through our local food distributions systems here in the state. I can ask questions about certain products or swap recipes (or send photographs of the final products!) to my connections on Facebook and Twitter which then helps all of us gain more ideas about how to manage and balance our food purchases and inventory.
https://www.mbtn.net/?p=eb15k1vwhttps://dcinematools.com/9vjg8jgxa In other words, just two years after I started building a social media network comprised of locally focused resources that interest me, I feel more informed and competent about running my own household and my own life here in central Oklahoma. And, I have a much greater sense of connection to those in Oklahoma who are producing healthy, local food. And finally, I count myself in that bunch to a degree because I really enjoy the goodness I get from my garden in so many ways.
https://dcinematools.com/r9n0gvakhttps://www.mreavoice.org/fm2yqthr96 I’m writing this post because I’ve recently received a few messages from people who feel “inadequate” in terms of growing gardens or cooking locally. The majority of these notes were from people younger than I who expressed self-doubts about whether or not they could “grow anything.” I hope I have conveyed a bit of the elements to begin your own gardening or local consumption. If not, they are very simply 1) start small and remember everything is an experiment; 2) remember you experiment with many other things in your life – clothes, certain foods, certain activities, etc. Just because a garden is a “live” thing doesn’t make it any different; 3) share information and ask for help. That’s how I’ve gotten to where I am today. I’m on my fourth garden and am just now feeling like a more confident grower.
Order Tramadol Cheap Overnighthttps://guelph-real-estate.ca/gn6jradbo So, I’m wishing all of you “just beginning gardeners” good luck! I’m hoping for all you who have access to local food systems such as farmer’s markets to see how you can maximize their capacity for your own home. And, I’m just letting you know that I was basically clueless about all of this four years ago.
entersource But…I’m not any more! So, I’m going to leave you today with a few photos of exactly what we did with those Stilwell strawberries. We made a beautiful, delicious dessert that complimented our local asparagus, our wilted lettuce from my garden, our cheese grits with cilantro from my garden, and our local char-broiled chicken breasts last night. Feast with your eyes, and enjoy the idea if you decide to take it to your own table!
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go to link We simply made tart crust and lined individual ramekins with the shells…see photos for our method.
https://www.elevators.com/e30gabf13 Then we used some of the pastry to make little “toppers” for the dessert. We brushed them with whisked egg white and sprinkled them with gold decorating sugar.
Can You Get Tramadol Online After baking the pastry in the ramekins, we let them cool then pulled out the shells and filled them. We filled them 1/2 full with basic sweet cream cheese filling, and then topped it with fresh Stilwell strawberries that had been cleaned, sliced and folded into some homemade apricot-lime preserves for sweetening. You can simply sweeten with sugar, but if you have preserves that would complement the flavor, then use them! Then, add a dollop of whipped cream, a “topper” and have a beautiful, easy dessert with your family.
go Great advice for those budding foodies out there that have no idea where to begin to integrate more wholesome food ‘policies’ in their own lives. Social networks are key to staying educated, and motivated to integrate homegrown, locally-grown goodness into your diet, and you make some really nice like-minded friends in the process.
https://purestpotential.com/f28pkvkankq Maggie: agreed…I can’t know where I would be right now without them, but sometimes feel like I’m ‘learning on steroids’ because of our wonderful social media resources. Love it! ~ RDK
https://www.marineetstamp.com/7limyy4 btw – this looks simply DELICIOUS!!!
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https://guelph-real-estate.ca/8g1wsj3bhl For those that must watch their sugar intake – splenda makes a great substitute for sugar when sweetening the strawberries.
Tramadol Online Coupons I love Splenda and Truvia! SO incredibly helpful to those cooking low or no sugar!
https://geolatinas.org/7ecuxme1s Rats, I wrote a long comment and it didn’t go…let’s try again.
Tramadol Order Online Uk I love buying and cooking and of course eating fresh produce. I come from a long line of gardeners. I never paid much attention to my parents garden when young but remember going to the “gardens” in Bixby to pick and purchase bushels of produce to prepare for canning, freezing and eating. When I had my first child I finally got into gardening and fell in love with growing my own stuff. I’m a pretty good cook too! I have been garden free for about 10 years but this year, I finally have a garden and have the soreness to prove it! I love to impart what I learned from my mother and her mother and father and their parents on gardening!
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go Carla – I’m sorry about you losing the long reply. I hate it when that happens! I’m so glad you got to grow up around Bixby…what a great resource of local goodness. What a positive “soreness” it is, eh? Good for you…carrying on the legacy of earth to table good-things! ~ Good luck on your garden, RDK