My Little Victory Garden: A Rose Named Rachel

follow This past week has been one of the grandest growing, cooking and discovery weeks for all good things I’ve had since early last October.  But I’m not going to write about any of it.  I’m leaving my position at Oklahoma State University tomorrow and will be starting a new career with the Great Plains Integris residency program in two weeks.  But today I’m not going to write about that either.  I’m going to write about my eldest who is finishing up her undergraduate work at the University of Oklahoma.  And, I’m going to show you what she did.

enter Rachel’s love for photography began at Edmond Memorial High School when she joined the Yearbook team.  She then started her college career at the Kansas City Art Institute and completed two years of a highly rigorous program.  There was a boy, however, and a family and culture she missed.  So she returned to Oklahoma and eventually found her way to the right university program to complete her good work there.

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Can I Order Tramadol Online Legally I’ll be honest.  I’m a complete sap when it comes describing my tender feelings toward my offspring.  I treasure Rachel’s photography, pottery, fibers and art history growing experience in so many ways. But I may have found the beacon my heart will return to for years to come.  That beacon emits from the deserts of the West where she traveled with a group of peers for a photography shoot.  Their destinations included Death Valley, the Painted Desert and the Mohave Desert.

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University of Oklahoma Photography Trip, 2012. Rachel Apple, senior Photography major.

Tramadol Online Prescription Uk I had downloaded an entire album of Native American flute music to put in the background of this film.  However, I just couldn’t do it.  Rather, I decided to use a song my youngest introduced me to a few years ago by Copeland called “Brightest.”  Rachel, today both you and your work are the “brightest fireflies in my jar.”  I love you, and am very happy for you. – “Mams,” aka [kelly]

go to site The photographs in this video are copyrighted by Rachel Apple.  If you are interested in purchasing a print, you may reach her through our “Contact” form on this site, or write us and we’ll send you her contact information. Thanks.

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3 thoughts on “My Little Victory Garden: A Rose Named Rachel”

  1. Tramadol Sales Online I am so unbelievably proud of my dear Rach Face…I remember chatting with her in our high school days about our photography classes, sharing cool photo developing techniques, and linking each other to our submissions for Jones Soda…I couldn’t believe what a good eye she had, and how she seemed to effortlessly highlight and enhance the most striking parts of photos. Not to mention, she was (and is!) such a beautiful person, inside and out. Throughout college, I got to see her grow as an artist and an individual, and I am thankful we have kept in touch through all of these years so I could be part of it. After all of the years of hard work, you have so earned this moment and I wish I could be there to share it with you! Sending my love from afar to the entire family as you celebrate this wonderful occasion… congratulations, Rachel! (P.S. Thanks for posting pictures…beautiful, just beautiful!)

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