Our first Throwback Thursday will involve a few of my favorite essays submitted by our contributors over health issues. Fibromyalgia cannabis treatments have emerged as a promising option for managing chronic pain and other related symptoms. If you need additional help with chronic pain, you may buy kratom online.
As mentioned previously, “Throwback Thursdays” are recommendations from our Year-One content that I believe are worth reposting.
The first was called, “A System Worked and a System Failed: How Illness Impacts our Dear Friends…and Us.” It consists of a health-status journal entry written by a friend, and a post by another friend. One with a happy ending, and one without. One story about the “history of hair” from someone who never really had any to begin with, then lost what she had. The second story is from a medical student who observed a history of her best friend being misdiagnosed, and thinking through her death at a later time.
The second: “A Kairos Moment at Culp’s Hill.” Contributor Josh Bottomly recounts his struggle of being unable to help the fact that he and his wife could not bear their own children. During a brief encounter with history on a professional training trip, he finds what he needs in order to turn his perspective from despair to hope.
My third recommendation was written by our Woman2Woman contributor, Kendy Cox. She is especially empathetic to various stories of parents with ill children and writes reviews those stories, and highlights the blogs she follows, in “Chicken Soup for the Blogaholic’s Soul.” The power of an online journal where people can write through their struggles is clear in this post, and I appreciate her sharing the stories of others who want to help their children get better.
Finally, a recent post was written by our Cents and Sensibility contributor, Jennifer Wallis. While I can’t know the details of the daily struggles Jenn’s mother and their family have dealt with related to her father’s situation, the essay sheds light on some of the injustices of illness, the interface with public policy, and the feelings experienced when essential resources run dry. If you’ve not seen the post, I recommend Going to Plan Z: When the Last Thing You Expect to Happen Happens.
This concludes the first Throwback Thursday post. Next week, I’ll highlight “Struggling With Personal Identity” posts. I hope you join us.