https://www.mbtn.net/?p=uq0k495ok In 1993, my husband and I moved back to Edmond with two kids; when we had left Edmond in 1990, we only had one. We had just finished a short three-year stint in an historical home located in Lincoln Terrace, south of the State Capitol. I still miss that old home, but after having spent several years during my college days at the University of Central Oklahoma, had two children go through their entire primary and secondary education years here, and after having lived here now for a total of twenty-two married years, and a couple of “unmarried years” before that, I feel like my adopted home town is indeed Edmond, Oklahoma.
https://lpgventures.com/3eh5o56vclick So, I feel invested in this town. And I feel proud of the special places and amenities it has to offer.
https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/efby1n476wbTramadol Overnight Delivery Visa One of my favorite places I’ve been appreciating since it opened is Café 501, located on 5th street and Boulevard, just a little south and east of the downtown area. It’s pretty easy to remember how to get there; the address is the name of the place (501 S. Boulevard) and the phone number includes the name: (405) 359-0501. But I don’t like the restaurant just because I can remember where to go! I like the restaurant because I’m kind of a food snob. I worked in the institutional foodservice distribution business for seven years and visited a great many kitchens during that time. And, have looked at hundreds of menus. And, have had lots and lots of not-so-great meals in restaurants over the past twenty-five years. When I go to Café 501, however, I don’t worry about that.
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https://purestpotential.com/gff3kfuugfollow link I know I’ll potentially get to try something new, I know that it will be good and when the wait staff asks if it is, they genuinely want to know. They’re not the kind of restaurant who has trained their staff to ask, “Was everything wonderful?” (One of my all-time restaurant pet peeves!) I know that some of my old favorites will be consistent and excellent every time. And, I know that when I take friends or family members, I’ll feel comfortable knowing that their experience will be a good one, regardless of their preferences or diets. To me, feeling comfortable is what takes me back to any place over and over.
follow url How many times have I eaten at Café 501 since 1995? I don’t know, but I think it’s safe to say at least four times per year – sometimes more, sometimes less. We don’t eat out a great deal any more. But I can say this, I trust that when we go to 501 it will be good.
Order Tramadol Overnight Codhttps://www.elevators.com/8faxvvjo Last night I asked my husband, “Mick, what would say about Café 501? I’m writing a shout out about them.” He said, “Awesome. Just great food.” My husband is a man of few words, but basically he said the same thing it took me to write in four paragraphs.
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https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/8gbgho7 My husband and I lived in Edmond while he finished school at Oklahoma Christian University. We visited this cafe several times and I fell in love with their green apple and radish slaw. I’d always ask for a side when we went there. I craved it when I was pregnant as well! Alas, we live in the Northwest now and are amiss for this delicious slaw. I can’t quite remember the flavor notes. Was there jicama? Was it just lemon juice or vinaigrette. I wish I had paid better attention because I’d love to recreate this deliciousness. https://dcinematools.com/20ln6gs Anyways, thanks for posting this! I’m excited to try and create this.
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