In 1978, I evidently decorated a cake in honor of my Grandpa Yate’s 80th birthday. This was taken the summer after my 8th grade year, so I had not yet been through the cake decorating curriculum in my Home Economics classes! However, because I just love hay, (not convinced? look here… or here!...OR HERE!) and because it’s RDC’s Half-Birthday Week, and because my dad e-mailed me this photo yesterday afternoon and I thought it was funny, and because it’s clear that even in 8th grade I liked corny jokes scribed into history by icing-in-a-tube, and because who can ever get enough reminders of Charlie’s Angel’s hairstyles?, I just thought I’d use an entire post to say: HAY! HAVE A GREAT AFTERNOON! Love and kisses…all scented with freshly cut HAY,
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