Tag Archives: running on empty

“Dad, are we in Neutral?” Reaching the Green Mesa with Fuel to Spare.

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Photo curteousy of the Science Photo Library; 2000 UK fuel shortage crisis entry.

click here Editor’s note: Julie at the Ranch is on vacation for the month of July.  We’ll be filling in her regular Monday morning spot with other contributors’ work.  Today, we hear a vacation tale from Jeff Bingham about running out of gas. Or not. ~ RDK


Tramadol To Buy Cheap “Dad, are we in neutral?”    The voice of my teenage son emanated from the back seat of the van.”    More on that shortly.


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Prescription Tramadol Online I have only “run out” twice in a car.   More on the others in a minute.

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Tramadol Online India The first time in my car was on vacation; the kids were very young, the weather was hot, things were hectic, and it just happened.   Thankfully, a kind gentlemen, a complete stranger, was adjacent to us and quickly assessed the situation and gave me a ride to the closest station.

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get link The second time was mechanical failure in the car; a bad gas gauge. Same story, a kind gentleman, this time a friend, was close by and accessible. Whether by distraction or otherwise, it’s never a fun place to be. Same goes for the physiological, the emotional, and the spiritual. You always want to have plenty “in your tank”.

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https://alldayelectrician.com/v8oke9f I said I’ve only “run out” twice. If we consider “almost running out” occassions, I must admit to a close call another time or two. Ironically enough, both were on vacation trips; a time when the tank should be full and the experience rich. Continue reading follow link “Dad, are we in Neutral?” Reaching the Green Mesa with Fuel to Spare. https://www.yolascafe.com/o83b3cr2pg
