Tag Archives: cyberbullying

On the Horizon: One Victim Too Many

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https://guelph-real-estate.ca/rdbids2pf Childhood is supposed to be a fun and innocent time in our lives. While danger and fear is an unfortunate part of life, it should not permeate our youth. The schoolyard is meant for playtime and the classroom is a place for the mind to grow and prosper. As we go through the school system, be it private or public school, clicks and groups begin to separate. Kids begin to view others as not being good enough and others see their vulnerability as an excuse to lash out at other students. By the time students enter middle school, a definite pecking order is established and if you are at the wrong end you may find yourself shoved in a locker or falling victim to the all-too-famous “swirly.”


https://danivoiceovers.com/0ulzp460j Today’s bullies are not only beating kids up on the playground, that will get them caught too easily, they are resorting to cyberbullying and emotional terror. Today’s victims are not just swallowing it and hoping it goes away either. They are taking matters into their own hands and either harming their attacker or themselves.


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On the Horizon: Cyberbullying

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here Social media is a prevalent part of most young people’s lives. It’s a great way to keep in touch with friends, find out what’s going on with each other, and have a social time online. But a disturbing trend is quickly emerging…. Cyberbullying.


here Like school bullying, victims are targeted by one or more people and instead of doing the bullying in person, they are using digital resources to attack their victim. It can range anywhere from name calling to posting pornographic images on their social media sites. It’s not a game and it’s not to be taken lightly. And as we found out in this week’s video blog, it’s not always done by someone’s enemy. source https://www.elevators.com/8qgxa2c ~Alisa Hines


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